European Teacher Education Network

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The European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) was founded in 1988 by a group of teacher-educators who found it imperative to promote cooperation and international collaboration in research and development by exchanging students and staff. The overall aim was providing opportunities for professional development, research and publication, and promoting knowledge and understanding of the history, culture, values and traditions of the member countries.


In 2009 ETEN comprises a network of nearly 60 institutions of higher education from 17 countries, mainly European. ETEN seeks and cooperates with partners outside Europe.

ETEN publishes the Journal of the European Teacher Education Network (JETEN) in electronic format and the Proceedings of the annual conference, also in electronic format. The standard working language of ETEN is English.

ETEN works to:

TIG - Thematic Interest Groups

ETEN, like the Internet, is a network without a hierarchy but with a purpose: besides promoting exchange of students and staff it focuses around Thematic Interest Groups (TIGs). The strength of the network is based on these groups of common interests whose activities depend heavily on the TIG leaders.

Annual Conference

The ETEN annual conference is, in essence, organized around each TIG, whose leader is responsible for accepting papers, organizing presentations, and moderating discussions.

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