The Evelyn effect is defined as the phenomena in which the product ratios in a chemical reaction change as the reaction proceeds. This phenomenon contradicts the fundamental principle in organic chemistry by reactions always go by the lowest energy pathway. The favored product should remain so throughout a reaction run at constant conditions. However, the ratio of alkenes before the synthesis is complete shows that the favored product to is not the favored product. The basic idea here is that the proportions of the various alkene products changes as a function of time with a change in mechanism. [1]
Professor David Todd at Pomona College was testing the dehydration of 2-methylcyclohexanol or 4-methylcyclohexanol c. 1994 and unexpectedly interrupted the alkene distillation midway to have lunch with his secretary, Evelyn Jacoby. After lunch, he continued his distillation but kept the early products separate from the completed ones. The analysis showed two different alkene ratios. The reaction products and pathways to the products seem to have changed over time. Dr. Todd called this phenomenon the “Evelyn effect.” [2] [3]
-A simple example of the Evelyn effect is the sophomore level chemistry lab experiment involving two popular examples that are listed below.
a) Dehydration of 4-methylcyclohexanol [2]
b) Dehydration of 2-Methylcyclohexanol [4]
c) Mechanism for the dehydration of 2-methylcyclohexanol [4]
A kinetic and regional chemical study of the Evelyn effect has been described. The results, in the Journal of Chemical Education, made claims involving the mechanism by which the dehydrations occurred.
The article looks into the claim of having E1 and E2 mechanisms occur in the reaction. The researchers measured the kinetics of the formation of a 3 degree carbocation’s and compared them to theoretical calculations that would occur if the experiment ran as an E2 reaction. Instead, the reaction showed a mechanism that initially formed a 2 degree carbocation, utilizing an E1 pathway. Their conclusion was that the mechanism is neither E1 or E2 but rather “E-2 like”, exhibiting first order kinetics. [5]
In organic chemistry, an alkene, or olefin, is a hydrocarbon containing a carbon–carbon double bond. The double bond may be internal or in the terminal position. Terminal alkenes are also known as α-olefins.
An elimination reaction is a type of organic reaction in which two substituents are removed from a molecule in either a one- or two-step mechanism. The one-step mechanism is known as the E2 reaction, and the two-step mechanism is known as the E1 reaction. The numbers refer not to the number of steps in the mechanism, but rather to the kinetics of the reaction: E2 is bimolecular (second-order) while E1 is unimolecular (first-order). In cases where the molecule is able to stabilize an anion but possesses a poor leaving group, a third type of reaction, E1CB, exists. Finally, the pyrolysis of xanthate and acetate esters proceed through an "internal" elimination mechanism, the Ei mechanism.
The unimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN1) reaction is a substitution reaction in organic chemistry. The Hughes-Ingold symbol of the mechanism expresses two properties—"SN" stands for "nucleophilic substitution", and the "1" says that the rate-determining step is unimolecular. Thus, the rate equation is often shown as having first-order dependence on the substrate and zero-order dependence on the nucleophile. This relationship holds for situations where the amount of nucleophile is much greater than that of the intermediate. Instead, the rate equation may be more accurately described using steady-state kinetics. The reaction involves a carbocation intermediate and is commonly seen in reactions of secondary or tertiary alkyl halides under strongly basic conditions or, under strongly acidic conditions, with secondary or tertiary alcohols. With primary and secondary alkyl halides, the alternative SN2 reaction occurs. In inorganic chemistry, the SN1 reaction is often known as the dissociative substitution. This dissociation pathway is well-described by the cis effect. A reaction mechanism was first proposed by Christopher Ingold et al. in 1940. This reaction does not depend much on the strength of the nucleophile, unlike the SN2 mechanism. This type of mechanism involves two steps. The first step is the ionization of alkyl halide in the presence of aqueous acetone or ethyl alcohol. This step provides a carbocation as an intermediate.
In organic chemistry, Markovnikov's rule or Markownikoff's rule describes the outcome of some addition reactions. The rule was formulated by Russian chemist Vladimir Markovnikov in 1870.
A halogen addition reaction is a simple organic reaction where a halogen molecule is added to the carbon–carbon double bond of an alkene functional group.
In organic chemistry, the oxymercuration reaction is an electrophilic addition reaction that transforms an alkene into a neutral alcohol. In oxymercuration, the alkene reacts with mercuric acetate in aqueous solution to yield the addition of an acetoxymercury group and a hydroxy group across the double bond. Carbocations are not formed in this process and thus rearrangements are not observed. The reaction follows Markovnikov's rule and it is an anti addition.
In chemistry, a leaving group is defined by the IUPAC as an atom or group of atoms that detaches from the main or residual part of a substrate during a reaction or elementary step of a reaction. However, in common usage, the term is often limited to a fragment that departs with a pair of electrons in heterolytic bond cleavage. In this usage, a leaving group is a less formal but more commonly used synonym of the term nucleofuge. In this context, leaving groups are generally anions or neutral species, departing from neutral or cationic substrates, respectively, though in rare cases, cations leaving from a dicationic substrate are also known.
A carbocation is an ion with a positively charged carbon atom. Among the simplest examples are the methenium CH+
3, methanium CH+
5 and vinyl C
3 cations. Occasionally, carbocations that bear more than one positively charged carbon atom are also encountered.
Bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2) is a type of reaction mechanism that is common in organic chemistry. In the SN2 reaction, a strong nucleophile forms a new bond to an sp3-hybridised carbon atom via a backside attack, all while the leaving group detaches from the reaction center in a concerted fashion.
In chemistry, an electrophile is a chemical species that forms bonds with nucleophiles by accepting an electron pair. Because electrophiles accept electrons, they are Lewis acids. Most electrophiles are positively charged, have an atom that carries a partial positive charge, or have an atom that does not have an octet of electrons.
A substitution reaction is a chemical reaction during which one functional group in a chemical compound is replaced by another functional group. Substitution reactions are of prime importance in organic chemistry. Substitution reactions in organic chemistry are classified either as electrophilic or nucleophilic depending upon the reagent involved, whether a reactive intermediate involved in the reaction is a carbocation, a carbanion or a free radical, and whether the substrate is aliphatic or aromatic. Detailed understanding of a reaction type helps to predict the product outcome in a reaction. It also is helpful for optimizing a reaction with regard to variables such as temperature and choice of solvent.
In chemistry, a dehydration reaction is a chemical reaction that involves the loss of water from the reacting molecule or ion. Dehydration reactions are common processes, the reverse of a hydration reaction.
A hydrohalogenation reaction is the electrophilic addition of hydrogen halides like hydrogen chloride or hydrogen bromide to alkenes to yield the corresponding haloalkanes.
The E1cB elimination reaction is a type of elimination reaction which occurs under basic conditions, where the hydrogen to be removed is relatively acidic, while the leaving group is a relatively poor one. Usually a moderate to strong base is present. E1cB is a two-step process, the first step of which may or may not be reversible. First, a base abstracts the relatively acidic proton to generate a stabilized anion. The lone pair of electrons on the anion then moves to the neighboring atom, thus expelling the leaving group and forming double or triple bond. The name of the mechanism - E1cB - stands for Elimination Unimolecular conjugate Base. Elimination refers to the fact that the mechanism is an elimination reaction and will lose two substituents. Unimolecular refers to the fact that the rate-determining step of this reaction only involves one molecular entity. Finally, conjugate base refers to the formation of the carbanion intermediate, which is the conjugate base of the starting material.
Hammond's postulate, is a hypothesis in physical organic chemistry which describes the geometric structure of the transition state in an organic chemical reaction. First proposed by George Hammond in 1955, the postulate states that:
If two states, as, for example, a transition state and an unstable intermediate, occur consecutively during a reaction process and have nearly the same energy content, their interconversion will involve only a small reorganization of the molecular structures.
A halonium ion is any onium ion containing a halogen atom carrying a positive charge. This cation has the general structure R−−R′ where X is any halogen and no restrictions on R, this structure can be cyclic or an open chain molecular structure. Halonium ions formed from fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are called fluoronium, chloronium, bromonium, and iodonium, respectively. The 3-membered cyclic variety commonly proposed as intermediates in electrophilic halogenation may be called haliranium ions, using the Hantzsch-Widman nomenclature system.
In chemistry, a reaction intermediate, or intermediate, is a molecular entity arising within the sequence of a stepwise chemical reaction. It is formed as the reaction product of an elementary step, from the reactants and/or preceding intermediates, but is consumed in a later step. It does not appear in the chemical equation for the overall reaction.
The vinyl cation is a carbocation with the positive charge on an alkene carbon. Its empirical formula is C
3. More generally, a vinylic cation is any disubstituted carbon, where the carbon bearing the positive charge is part of a double bond and is sp hybridized. In the chemical literature, substituted vinylic cations are often referred to as vinyl cations, and understood to refer to the broad class rather than the C
3 variant alone. The vinyl cation is one of the main types of reactive intermediates involving a non-tetrahedrally coordinated carbon atom, and is necessary to explain a wide variety of observed reactivity trends. Vinyl cations are observed as reactive intermediates in solvolysis reactions, as well during electrophilic addition to alkynes, for example, through protonation of an alkyne by a strong acid. As expected from its sp hybridization, the vinyl cation prefers a linear geometry. Compounds related to the vinyl cation include allylic carbocations and benzylic carbocations, as well as aryl carbocations.
In 1976, the Italian chemist, Giovanni Piancatelli and coworkers developed a new method to synthesize 4-hydroxycyclopentenone derivatives from 2-furylcarbinols through an acid-catalyzed rearrangement. This discovery occurred when Piancatelli was studying heterocyclic steroids and their reactive abilities in an acidic environment. As this rearrangement has continued to be studied, it has become a commonly used rearrangement in natural product synthesis because of the ability to create 4-hydroxy-5-substitutedcyclopent-2-enones. Piancatelli’s motive for looking into this new rearrangement stemmed from the ever present 3-oxycyclopentene molecule, specifically its 5-hydroxy derivative, found in biologically active natural products.
Methylcyclohexene refers to any one of three organic compounds consisting of cyclohexene with a methyl group substituent. The location of the methyl group relative to the cyclohexene double bond creates the three different structural isomers. These compounds are generally used as a reagent or intermediate to derive other organic compounds.