Exceptio non adimpleti contractus

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The exceptio non adimpleti contractus is a defence that can be raised in the case of a reciprocal contract. In essence, it is a remedy that allows a party to withhold his own performance, accompanied by a right to ward off a claim for such performance until the other party has duly performed his or her obligations under the contract.


Requirements for the exceptio non adimpleti contractus

Two requirements must be met in order for the exceptio non adimpleti contractus to be available. The two performances must be reciprocal to one another; and the other party must be obliged to perform first.

It is provided in the legislation of all European countries using the Civil Law System.

In Italy, it is provided in Article 1460 of the Italian Civil Code. [1] [2]


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In Catholic canon law, the canon law of contract follows that of the civil jurisdiction in which Catholic canon law operates.


  1. "Art. 1460 codice civile - Eccezione d'inadempimento". Brocardi.it (in Italian). Retrieved 2024-09-09.
  2. Avvocato.it (2020-01-10). "Art. 1460 — Eccezione d'inadempimento". Avvocato.it (in Italian). Retrieved 2024-09-09.