Export parity price

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Export Parity Price or EPP is defined as, "The price that a producer gets or can expect to get for its product if exported, equal to the Freight on Board price minus the costs of getting the product from the farm or factory to the border. This and the import parity price together define a range of the possible equilibrium prices for an equivalent domestically produced good". [1]

Where a country or a region in a country has a surplus of a product that is exported, the EPP is determined by considering the Import Parity Price or International Benchmark Price of the commodity and other trade factors. The EPP applies only to the quantity that is exported and not to the quantity that is sold domestically. [2]


  1. Definition of EPP by the University of Michigan: see http://www-personal.umich.edu/~alandear/glossary/e.html
  2. See World Food Security Portal – Glossary: Definition of Key Terms "Export Parity Price": http://www.foodsecurityportal.org/policy-analysis-tools/glossary-definition-key-terms

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Import parity price or IPP is defined as, “The price that a purchaser pays or can expect to pay for imported goods; thus the c.i.f. import price plus tariff plus transport cost to the purchaser's location. This and the export parity price together define a range of the possible equilibrium prices for equivalent domestically produced goods”.

This glossary of economics is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in economics, its sub-disciplines, and related fields.