Writing and recording
Guitarist Zoltan Bathory told Metal Hammer about the song's evolution: "We'd been kicking this song around for over a year, and we did record an early version of it, but somehow we couldn't quite get it to gel. That can happen with songs – you're not sure about them to start them, and then they grow into something special, which is really what happened with 'The Bleeding'… I mean, that only just scraped onto the first album!
"Then Kevin [Churko; producer] heard 'Far From Home', which is kind of a ballad I guess, and he encouraged us to work on it some more, and today of course I'm really glad we did. We changed the structure, added some strings, and generally moved the track up to a whole new level. "Now I would say it's a potential single, but quite a way down the line…" [2]
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