Fibonomial coefficient

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In mathematics, the Fibonomial coefficients or Fibonacci-binomial coefficients are defined as


where n and k are non-negative integers, 0  k  n, Fj is the j-th Fibonacci number and n!F is the nth Fibonorial, i.e.

where 0!F, being the empty product, evaluates to 1.

Special values

The Fibonomial coefficients are all integers. Some special values are:

Fibonomial triangle

The Fibonomial coefficients (sequence A010048 in the OEIS ) are similar to binomial coefficients and can be displayed in a triangle similar to Pascal's triangle. The first eight rows are shown below.


The recurrence relation

implies that the Fibonomial coefficients are always integers.

The fibonomial coefficients can be expressed in terms of the Gaussian binomial coefficients and the golden ratio :


Dov Jarden proved that the Fibonomials appear as coefficients of an equation involving powers of consecutive Fibonacci numbers, namely Jarden proved that given any generalized Fibonacci sequence , that is, a sequence that satisfies for every then

for every integer , and every nonnegative integer .

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