Floor effect

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In statistics, a floor effect (also known as a basement effect) arises when a data-gathering instrument has a lower limit to the data values it can reliably specify. [1] This lower limit is known as the "floor". [2] The "floor effect" is one type of scale attenuation effect; [3] the other scale attenuation effect is the "ceiling effect". Floor effects are occasionally encountered in psychological testing, when a test designed to estimate some psychological trait has a minimum standard score that may not distinguish some test-takers who differ in their responses on the test item content. [4] Giving preschool children an IQ test designed for adults would likely show many of the test-takers with scores near the lowest standard score for adult test-takers (IQ 40 on most tests that were currently normed as of 2010). To indicate differences in current intellectual functioning among young children, IQ tests [5] specifically for young children are developed, on which many test-takers can score well above the floor score. An IQ test designed to help assess intellectually disabled persons might intentionally be designed with easier item content and a lower floor score to better distinguish among individuals taking the test as part of an assessment process. [6]


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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to human intelligence:

The Wide Range Intelligence test (WRIT) is an assessment of verbal (crystallized) and visual (fluid) IQ. Running at approximately 30 minutes, the WRIT is shorter than traditional IQ tests. The test also involves only four subtests and requires fewer physical materials than a typical test. It was created alongside the Wide Range Achievement Test 3 (WRAT3), a measure of reading comprehension and academic ability, by Pearson Education in 2000. The WRIT is intended to assess those aged 4 through 85. It is designed for easy administration among trained psychologists, which is accomplished using a hierarchical model that frequently occurs in psychological testing.


  1. Lim, Christopher R.; Harris, Kristina; Dawson, Jill; Beard, David J.; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Price, Andrew J. (2015-07-01). "Floor and ceiling effects in the OHS: an analysis of the NHS PROMs data set". BMJ Open. 5 (7): e007765. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007765. ISSN   2044-6055. PMC   4521553 . PMID   26216152.
  2. Stephanie (2017-09-10). "Floor Effect / Basement Effect: Definition". Statistics How To. Retrieved 2020-04-14.
  3. "Scale Attenuation Effect - SAGE Research Methods". methods.sagepub.com. Retrieved 2020-10-22.
  4. Zhu, Leina; Gonzalez, Jorge (2017). "Modeling Floor Effects in Standardized Vocabulary Test Scores in a Sample of Low SES Hispanic Preschool Children under the Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling Framework". Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 2146. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02146 . ISSN   1664-1078. PMC   5732956 . PMID   29312033.
  5. Sansone, Stephanie M; Schneider, Andrea; Bickel, Erika; Berry-Kravis, Elizabeth; Prescott, Christina; Hessl, David (2014). "Improving IQ measurement in intellectual disabilities using true deviation from population norms". Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 6 (1): 16. doi: 10.1186/1866-1955-6-16 . ISSN   1866-1947. PMC   4613563 . PMID   26491488.
  6. "IQ testing in individuals with intellectual disability". health.ucdavis.edu. Retrieved 2020-04-14.

Further reading