Formation evaluation gamma ray

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The formation evaluation gamma ray log is a record of the variation with depth of the natural radioactivity of earth materials in a wellbore. Measurement of natural emission of gamma rays in oil and gas wells are useful because shales and sandstones typically have different gamma ray levels. Shales and clays are responsible for most natural radioactivity, so gamma ray log often is a good indicator of such rocks. In addition, the log is also used for correlation between wells, for depth correlation between open and cased holes, and for depth correlation between logging runs.



Natural radioactivity is the spontaneous decay of the atoms of certain isotopes into other isotopes. If the resultant isotope is not stable, it undergoes further decay until a stable isotope forms. The decay process is usually accompanied by emissions of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Natural gamma ray radiation is one form of spontaneous radiation emitted by unstable nuclei. Gamma (γ) radiation may be considered either as an electromagnetic wave similar to visible light or X-rays, or as a particle of photon. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiations emitted from an atomic nucleus during radioactive decay, with the wavelength in the range of 10−9 to 10−11cm

Natural radioactivity in rocks

Fig1: Gamma-ray Spectra PTK gamma ray spectra 1.svg
Fig1: Gamma-ray Spectra

Isotopes naturally found on earth are usually those that are stable or have a decay time larger than, or at least a significant fraction of the age of the Earth (about 5 x 109 years). Isotopes with shorter halflifes mainly exist as decay products from longer lived isotopes, and, as in C14, from irradiation of the upper atmosphere.

Radioisotopes with a sufficiently long halflife, and whose decay produces an appreciable amount of gamma rays are:

Each of these elements emits gamma-rays with distinctive energy. Figure 1 shows the energies of emitted gamma-ray from the three main isotopes. Potassium 40 decays directly to stable argon 40 with the emission of 1.46 MeV gamma-ray. Uranium 238 and thorium 232 decay sequentially through a long sequence of various isotopes until a final stable isotope. The spectrum of the gamma-rays emitted by these two isotopes consists of gamma-ray of many different energies and form a complete spectra. The peak of thorium series can be found at 2.62 MeV and the Uranium series at 1.76 MeV.


The most common sources of natural gamma rays are potassium, thorium, and uranium. These elements are found in feldspars (i.e. granites, feldspathic), volcanic and igneous rocks, sands containing volcanic ash, and clays.

Gamma-ray measurement has the following applications:


Gamma-ray detected by Gamma-ray detector in an oil or gas wells, is not only a function of radioactivity of the formations, but also other factors as follows:

In addition, all radioactive phenomena are random in nature. Count rates vary about a mean value, and counts must be averaged over time to obtain a reasonable estimate of the mean. The longer the averaged period and the higher the count rate, the more precise the estimate.

Sample of corrections required for different gamma-ray tools are available from Schlumberger. Gamma ray log interpretation show different peaks in well. Shale are represent the Sharp Peaks and its range is 40-140 API and contain the high amount of potassium.

Measurement technique

Older gamma-ray detectors use the Geiger-Mueller counter principle, but have been mostly replaced thallium-doped sodium-iodide (NaI) scintillation detector, which has a higher efficiency. NaI detectors are usually composed of a NaI crystal coupled with a photomultiplier. When gamma ray from formation enters the crystal, it undergoes successive collisions with the atoms of the crystal, resulting in a short flashes of light when the gamma-ray is absorbed. The light is detected by the photomultiplier, which converts the energy into an electric pulse with amplitude proportional to the gamma-ray energy. The number of electric pulses is recorded in counts per seconds (CPS). The higher the gamma-ray count rate, the larger the clay content and vice versa.

Primary calibration of gamma-ray tool is the test pit at the University of Houston. The artificial formation simulate about twice the radioactivity of a shale, which generates 200 API units of gamma radiation. The detector crystal is affected by hydration and its response changes with time. Consequently, a secondary and a field calibration is achieved with a portable jig carrying a small radioactive source.

See also

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Uranium-232 is an isotope of uranium. It has a half-life of around 69 years and is a side product in the thorium cycle. It has been cited as an obstacle to nuclear proliferation using 233U as the fissile material, because the intense gamma radiation emitted by 208Tl makes the 233U contaminated with it more difficult to handle.

Gamma ray logging is a method of measuring naturally occurring gamma radiation to characterize the rock or sediment in a borehole or drill hole. It is a wireline logging method used in mining, mineral exploration, water-well drilling, for formation evaluation in oil and gas well drilling and for other related purposes. Different types of rock emit different amounts and different spectra of natural gamma radiation. In particular, shales usually emit more gamma rays than other sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone, gypsum, salt, coal, dolomite, or limestone because radioactive potassium is a common component in their clay content, and because the cation-exchange capacity of clay causes them to absorb uranium and thorium. This difference in radioactivity between shales and sandstones/carbonate rocks allows the gamma ray tool to distinguish between shales and non-shales. But it cannot distinguish between carbonates and sandstone as they both have similar deflections on the gamma ray log. Thus gamma ray logs cannot be said to make good lithological logs by themselves, but in practice, gamma ray logs are compared side-by-side with stratigraphic logs.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gamma ray</span> Energetic electromagnetic radiation arising from radioactive decay of atomic nuclei

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