Frege system

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In proof complexity, a Frege system is a propositional proof system whose proofs are sequences of formulas derived using a finite set of sound and implicationally complete inference rules. Frege systems (more often known as Hilbert systems in general proof theory) are named after Gottlob Frege.


Formal definition

Let K be a finite functionally complete set of Boolean connectives, and consider propositional formulas built from variables p0, p1, p2, ... using K-connectives. A Frege rule is an inference rule of the form

where B1, ..., Bn, B are formulas. If R is a finite set of Frege rules, then F = (K,R) defines a derivation system in the following way. If X is a set of formulas, and A is a formula, then an F-derivation of A from axioms X is a sequence of formulas A1, ..., Am such that Am = A, and every Ak is a member of X, or it is derived from some of the formulas Ai, i < k, by a substitution instance of a rule from R. An F-proof of a formula A is an F-derivation of A from the empty set of axioms (X=∅). F is called a Frege system if

The length (number of lines) in a proof A1, ..., Am is m. The size of the proof is the total number of symbols.

A derivation system F as above is refutationally complete, if for every inconsistent set of formulas X, there is an F-derivation of a fixed contradiction from X.



Extended Frege system

An important extension of a Frege system, the so called Extended Frege, is defined by taking a Frege system F and adding an extra derivation rule which allows to derive formula , where abbreviates its definition in the language of the particular F and the atom does not occur in previously derived formulas including axioms and in the formula .

The purpose of the new derivation rule is to introduce 'names' or shortcuts for arbitrary formulas. It allows to interpret proofs in Extended Frege as Frege proofs operating with circuits instead of formulas.

Cook's correspondence allows to interpret Extended Frege as a nonuniform equivalent of Cook's theory PV and Buss's theory formalizing feasible (polynomial-time) reasoning.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Logical connective</span> Symbol connecting sentential formulas in logic

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