Fulvia Pilat

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Fulvia Pilat is an Italian-American physicist [1] who is currently the Research Accelerator Division Director at the Spallation Neutron Source [2] and an elected fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). [3]


Education and career

She earned her Ph.D from University of Trieste in 1986 before joining the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and later, in 1994, the Brookhaven National Laboratory [2] followed by the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in 2010 as Deputy Associate Director. [4] In Nov. 2017, she accepted a new position at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as the director of the Research Accelerator Division in the Neutron Sciences Directorate. [5]


Her interests are the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, for which she was elected to the APS for, and electron-ion colliders.


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  1. "Lecture". bnl.gov. Retrieved December 27, 2017.
  2. 1 2 "Bios". energy.gov. Retrieved December 27, 2017.
  3. "Jefferson Lab Staff Scientist Honored with APS Fellowship". newswise.com. November 10, 2017. Retrieved December 27, 2017.
  4. "Jefferson Lab names Pilat Deputy Associate Director for the Accelerator Division". jlab.org. December 18, 2009. Retrieved December 27, 2017.
  5. "Jefferson Lab staff scientist honored with APS Fellowship". eurekalert.org. November 10, 2017. Retrieved July 16, 2018.