Gallery Climate Coalition

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The Gallery Climate Coalition was established in 2020 to address the carbon footprint of the international art market. While non-profit organizations including the Tate have addressed climate change and art's impact thereon, this is thought to be the first action taken by the commercial art world. [1]

Founding parties include: Thomas Dane, Kate MacGarry, Lisson Gallery's Sadie Coles and Greg Hilty, Frieze Art Fair co-founder Matthew Slotover and director Victoria Siddall. [1] [2] [3]

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Climate change art is art inspired by climate change and global warming, generally intended to overcome humans' hardwired tendency to value personal experience over data and to disengage from data-based representations by making the data "vivid and accessible". One of the goal of climate change art is to "raise awareness of the crisis", as well as engage viewers politically and environmentally.


  1. 1 2 Shaw, Anny (29 May 2020). "The Green debate: How can the international art market recover sustainably?". The Art Newspaper. Retrieved 31 October 2020.
  2. "Can the art industry reduce its carbon footprint?". Lifestyle Asia. 29 October 2020. Archived from the original on 1 November 2020. Retrieved 30 October 2020.
  3. Rea, Naomi (22 October 2020). "An Envoy of Eco-Conscious Art Dealers and Insiders Have Created a Simple Tool to Help the Industry Reduce Its Carbon Footprint". artnet news. Retrieved 30 October 2020.