Gaspare Sommaripa

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Gaspare Sommaripa (died 1402) was a Lord of Paros [1] by right of his wife.

Marriage and issue

He married in 1390 Maria Sanudo, lady of Paros (died 1426), [2] and had Crusino I Sommaripa, Lord of Paros, and Fiorenza Sommaripa, wife of Giacomo I Crispo, eleventh Duke of the Archipelago.

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  1. Mihail-Dimitri Sturdza, Dictionnaire Historique et Généalogique des Grandes Familles de Grèce, d'Albanie et de Constantinople, Paris: Sturdza, 1983, p. 550
  2. Mihail-Dimitri Sturdza, Dictionnaire Historique et Généalogique des Grandes Familles de Grèce, d'Albanie et de Constantinople, Paris: Sturdza, 1983, p. 449