George Henry Slight

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George Henry Slight (30 September 1859 – 26 June 1934) was a Scottish engineer who established the Chilean lighthouse service.


Early years

Slight, the son of George Slight and Elizabeth Marshall, grew up in Edinburgh in an engineering family. After an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer, he worked on the steamers plying the route between Britain and India. He subsequently worked for several years with Trinity House, which was responsible for the lighthouse service in England and Wales. [1]

Edinburgh Capital city in Scotland

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and one of its 32 council areas. Historically part of the county of Midlothian, it is located in Lothian on the Firth of Forth's southern shore.

Steamboat smaller than a steamship; boat in which the primary method of marine propulsion is steam power

A steamboat is a boat that is propelled primarily by steam power, typically driving propellers or paddlewheels. Steamboats sometimes use the prefix designation SS, S.S. or S/S or PS, however these designations are most often used for steamships.

Trinity House private corporation governed under a Royal Charter

The Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond, known as Trinity House, is a private corporation governed under a Royal Charter.


Photograph of the Evangelistas Islets taken 1893 by G. Slight Islotes evangelistas 1893.jpeg
Photograph of the Evangelistas Islets taken 1893 by G. Slight

In 1893 Slight was recruited by the Chilean ambassador in London, Agustin Ross, who had been ordered by the President of Chile, Jorge Montt, to find someone suitable to establish a system of lighthouses in the country. Slight's first task on arrival in Chile was to build a lighthouse on the Evangelistas Islets at the western entrance to the Strait of Magellan in the southern part of the country, which he accomplished when the Evangelistas Lighthouse was completed in 1896. [1]

Jorge Montt Chilean sailor, politician and President

Jorge Montt Álvarez was a vice admiral in the Chilean Navy and president of Chile from 1891 to 1896.

Evangelistas Islets

The Evangelistas Islets comprise a group of four small, rocky islands lying on the Chilean continental shelf, some 30 km north-west of the western entrance to the Strait of Magellan, in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean, facing the full force of the "Furious Fifties". They come under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Navy which operates the Chilean Maritime Signalling Service and has maintained a presence there since the establishment of the Evangelistas Lighthouse in 1896 by Scottish engineer George Henry Slight.

Strait of Magellan body of water in Chile connecting Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

The Strait of Magellan, also called the Straits of Magellan, is a navigable sea route in southern Chile separating mainland South America to the north and Tierra del Fuego to the south. The strait is the most important natural passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Slight subsequently settled in Valparaiso. He was put in charge of the new Lighthouse Authority of Chile and went on to build some 72 lighthouses along the Chilean coast. He eventually became the head of the Chilean Maritime Signalling Service. In 1916 he retired from the maritime service, but continued in an advisory role. He married Charlotte Leigh in Valparaiso, by whom he had two sons. His gravestone in the Valparaiso General Cemetery bears the English epitaph "His lights still shine over the waters of the Pacific Ocean". He is commemorated in the names of the George Slight Lighthouse Museum at Punta Angeles, Valparaiso, and the Chilean Navy’s rescue and salvage ship George Slight. [1]

Chilean Navy maritime warfare branch of Chiles military

The Chilean Navy is the naval force of Chile.

See also

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I never imagined seeing something so wild and desolate as those emerging dark rocks in the middle of the raging waves. To see these stormy craggy rocks was frightening. With a dim light on the horizon we could see large waves crashing heavily in the western part of the islands: a vision that hardly anyone can imagine...

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  1. 1 2 3 "The Chilean Connection". Bell Rock Lighthouse Bicentennial: Biographies. David Taylor. 2010. Retrieved 2013-01-02.