Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl

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Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl (or The Story of Just Casper and Fair Annie in English) is a novella by Clemens Brentano, first published in 1817 in the book Gaben der Milde, edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Gubitz.

Novella written, fictional, prose narrative normally longer than a short story but shorter than a novel

A novella is a text of written, fictional, narrative prose normally longer than a short story but shorter than a novel, somewhere between 17,500 and 40,000 words.

Clemens Brentano German poet, novelist

Clemens Wenzeslaus Brentano was a German poet and novelist, and a major figure of German Romanticism. He was the uncle, via his brother Christian, of Franz and Lujo Brentano.