Global Campaign for Peace Education

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The Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE) is an international network [1] [2] which aims at encouraging both transnational co-operation and local initiatives in peace education. [3] The Campaign originated with the 1999 Hague Agenda (Appeal) for Peace [4] [5] and was associated with the UN culture of peace initiatives, and specifically the International Year for the Culture of Peace. [6] The peace educator Betty Reardon is credited with being instrumental in establishing the Campaign. [7] The Campaign has a number of ongoing initiatives, such as the Peace Education Global Knowledge Clearinghouse, one of the world's largest and regularly updated collections of research on peace education, and the Mapping Peace Education Project, which aims to provide a visual map of where peace education is happening globally. [8] The Campaign is currently a member of the Union of International Associations, organization ID XK1939, [9] and in 2021 was a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. [10]

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  1. Bermeo, M. J. 2022. Peace Education, International Trends. Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, Ed. L. Kurtz. Elsevier, 459-466.
  2. Education for International Understanding, 2007.Retrieved 10 October 2024
  3. Pineda, P., Celis, J., and Rangel, L. 2019. The worldwide spread of peace education: discursive patterns in publications and international organisations, ‘’Globalisation, Societies and Education”, 17(5): 638–657.
  4. Hague Appeal for Peace, 1999. Retrieved from United Nations online archives on 2 October 2024.
  5. Wintersteiner, W. 2013. Building a global community of peace: the Hague Appeal for Peace / Global Campaign for Peace Education. ‘’Journal of Peace Education’’. 10(2): 138-156.
  6. Hague Appeal for Peace, 1999. Retrieved from United Nations online archives on 2 October 2024.
  7. Kester, K. 2012. Peace education primer. ‘’Journal of Global Citizenship and Equity Education’’, 2(2): 62-75.
  8. Conflict Resolution Education Network. Retrieved 2 October 2024.
  9. Civil Society Database. Retrieved 2 October 2024.
  10. 2021 Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize. Retrieved 11 October 2024.