Global Climate Action Partnership

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The Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP), formerly the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP), aims to advance climate-resilient low emission development and support transitions to a low-carbon economy through coordination, information exchange and cooperation among countries and programs working to advance low-emission economic growth. The partnership was launched in 2011 and brings together more than 160 governmental and international institutions. The implementation, knowledge management, and outreach of LEDS GP is coordinated by a co-secretariat of the Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). [1] [2]


LEDS GP delivers support through its three regional platforms, the Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP), the Latin America and the Caribbean Partnership Archived 2015-10-23 at the Wayback Machine (LEDS LAC) and Asia Partnership Archived 2015-10-05 at the Wayback Machine (ALP). [3] [4] It aims to:

Working groups

LEDS GP delivers support through six technical working groups on the following topics.

Technical assistance

Through its Remote Expert Assistance on LEDS Archived 2015-11-28 at the Wayback Machine (REAL) service, the LEDS GP provides virtual technical assistance to developing country government agencies or initiatives—as well as their consultants, technical institutions, and non-government organizations—working on LEDS plans and implementation. [7]

Fellowship program

In May 2016, LEDS GP announced the launch of its Fellowship Program Archived 2016-05-30 at the Wayback Machine , which aims to embed individuals or teams of practitioners in leading institutions to learn practical lessons that they can apply to low emission development strategies (LEDS) and/or Intended Nationally Determined Contributions in their home countries.

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  1. "Climate and Development Knowledge Network - Low Emissions Development Strategy Global Partnership (LEDS GP)". Climate and Development Knowledge Network. Archived from the original on 2014-03-02. Retrieved 2015-10-28.
  2. "NREL: International Activities - Multilateral Partnerships". Archived from the original on 2015-11-20. Retrieved 2015-10-28.
  3. Asia LEDS Platform Archived 2014-05-17 at the Wayback Machine
  4. Latin America and the Caribbean LEDS Platform Archived 2015-10-23 at the Wayback Machine
  5. Archived 2015-09-08 at the Wayback Machine Green Growth Knowledge Portal
  6. Archived 2015-09-07 at the Wayback Machine WRI Cities Transport Working Group
  7. "Connecting the experts with the users - Remote Expert Assistance on LEDS". Green Growth Knowledge Platform. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2015-10-28.