Golden West Humanitarian Foundation

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Golden West Humanitarian Foundation is an American Non-profit (501C3) organisation that develops technologies to address the technical limitations of humanitarian mine clearance. [1] The Golden West Humanitarian Foundation is based in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California.


Golden West Humanitarian Foundation
Type Non-Governmental Organisation
IndustryLandmine relief
United States
Area served


The Golden West Humanitarian Foundation was founded in 1998 to address shortcomings in humanitarian mine clearance.

Role in Mine Action

Research and development

Explosive Harvesting Program

The Explosive Harvesting Program (EHP) is a manufacturing program which recycles the explosives contained in stockpiled explosive ammunition into the explosive charges used for humanitarian mine clearance. [2]

Cluster Munitions Destruction

In 2010, the GWHF worked with Norwegian People's Aid in a groundbreaking cluster bomb stockpile destruction program. [3]

Mine Risk Education (MRE)

Undercover UXO: Game for $100 Laptop (OLPC)

GWHF partnered with the Michigan State University M.I.N.D. Lab to develop a game for the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) platform that teaches children the indicators of land mine and unexploded ordnance contamination. [4] This game underwent field trials in Cambodia in June 2010. [5]

Indicator Program

The Golden West Humanitarian Foundation has developed what they call the "Indicator Program", which trains people of all ages how to recognize the indicators of land mine and UXO contamination. This program has been deployed in Mozambique, Angola and Azerbaijan, and Cambodia. [6]

Vinh & Trinh's Adventure

The GWHF published a 34-page illustrated storybook titled Vinh & Trinh's Adventure. The book is designed to teach Vietnamese children the dangers of unexploded ordnance, and it has received positive reviews. [7] In 2010, the book underwent a third round of distribution, bring the total number of book published to 6,000. [8]

Current Operations


In Cambodia, the Golden West Humanitarian Foundation is partnered with the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC) to provide research and development support to mine action activities in the Kingdom of Cambodia. These activities include the Explosive Harvesting Program, Mine Risk Education

Central America

The Golden West Humanitarian Foundation has undertaken ordnance stockpile destruction programs for the Organization of American States. [9]


In 2009, the GWHF partnered with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation to undertake a research and development project sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. [10]

Past Operations


In Angola, the Golden West Humanitarian Foundation has introduced their "Indicator Program", a Mine Risk Education program designed to teach the indicators of land mine and UXO contamination. [6]


In Azerbaijan, the Golden West Humanitarian Foundation has introduced their "Indicator Program", a Mine Risk Education program designed to teach the indicators of land mine and UXO contamination. [6]


In 2009 & 2010, the GWHF worked on a cluster bomb disposal project in the Republic of Moldova. [3]


In Mozambique, the Golden West Humanitarian Foundation has introduced their "Indicator Program", a Mine Risk Education program designed to teach the indicators of land mine and UXO contamination. [6]


In Nicaragua, the Golden West Humanitarian Foundation has worked with the Organization of American States on stockpile destruction programs. [9]

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  1. "About the Golden West Humanitarian Foundation", Golden West Humanitarian Foundation, retrieved 2010-09-11
  2. "Explosive Harvesting Program Cambodia" (PDF), Geneva Center for Humanitarian Demining, archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-07-15, retrieved 2010-09-11
  3. 1 2 "Implementing the Convention on Cluster Munitions" (PDF), United Nations Institute of Disarmament Research, archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-27, retrieved 2010-09-11
  4. "Undercover UXO: Mine Risk Education game for the $100 Laptop", Dr. Corey Bohil Blog, archived from the original on 2010-12-29, retrieved 2010-09-11
  5. "Article: Computer Game Saves Children From Landmine Scourge", Voice of America, retrieved 2010-09-11
  6. 1 2 3 4 "Landmines: Major Public-Private Partnerships", U.S. Department of States, retrieved 2010-09-11
  7. "Review of Vinh & Trinh's Adventure by the Journal of Mine and ERW Action", Journal of Mine and ERW Action, retrieved 2010-09-11
  8. "GWHF Press Release on Vinh & Trinh's Adventure Distribution", Golden West Humanitarian Foundation Official, retrieved 2010-09-11
  9. 1 2 "DESTRUCCION DE REMANENTES DE GUERRA EN NICARAGUA" (PDF), Organization of American States, retrieved 2010-09-11
  10. "15th Anniversary of U.S.-Vietnam relations UXO Demining Fact Sheet" (PDF), U.S. Department of State, retrieved 2010-09-11