Graham Scambler

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Graham Scambler (born 1948) is a sociologist, specializing in medical sociology.


Life and work

Scambler completed a B.Sc in Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Surrey in 1971, followed by a Ph.D. in Sociology (supervised by George Brown at Bedford College, University of London. His PhD thesis was on the stigma experienced by adults with epilepsy living in the community. [1]

He was appointed Lecturer in Sociology at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School in 1972-5. He then moved to the Middlesex Hospital Medical School from 1978-87 which became part of University College London (UCL). He was appointed Professor of Medical Sociology at UCL in 2001. He retired from UCL in 2013. [1]

He is author or editor of several books and has written over 100 chapters and peer-reviewed papers. [2] He is founding co-editor of the international journal Social Theory and Health.



Related Research Articles

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  1. 1 2 "About". Graham Scambler. 2013-02-04. Retrieved 2018-02-11.
  2. "Iris View Profile - Graham Scambler". Retrieved 2018-02-11.
  3. "Academy of Social Sciences Fellows" . Retrieved 17 April 2017.