Hadamard's gamma function

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Hadamard's gamma function plotted over part of the real axis. Unlike the classical gamma function, it is holomorphic; there are no poles. Hadamards gamma function plot.png
Hadamard's gamma function plotted over part of the real axis. Unlike the classical gamma function, it is holomorphic; there are no poles.

In mathematics, Hadamard's gamma function, named after Jacques Hadamard, is an extension of the factorial function, different from the classical gamma function (it is an instance of a pseudogamma function). This function, with its argument shifted down by 1, interpolates the factorial and extends it to real and complex numbers in a different way than Euler's gamma function. It is defined as:


where Γ(x) denotes the classical gamma function. If n is a positive integer, then:


Unlike the classical gamma function, Hadamard's gamma function H(x) is an entire function, i.e. it has no poles in its domain. It satisfies the functional equation

with the understanding that is taken to be 0 for positive integer values of x.


Hadamard's gamma can also be expressed as

where is the Lerch zeta function, and as

where ψ(x) denotes the digamma function.

See also

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