Hai-Hu Wen

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Hai-Hu Wen is a Chinese physicist.

Wen studied physics at Anhui University, and obtained postgraduate degrees at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. [1] [2] After completing postdoctoral study at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Wen returned to IOPCAS, [1] and accepted a professorship at Nanjing University. [2] In 2013, he was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society, "[f]or investigations of unconventional pairing mechanisms in high temperature superconductors and elucidation of their vortex dynamics." [3]

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  1. 1 2 "PROFESSOR:Haihu-Wen". Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 28 April 2022.
  2. 1 2 "Hai-Hu Wen". Nanjing University. Retrieved 28 April 2022.
  3. "APS fellow archive". American Physical Society. Retrieved 28 April 2022.