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Hangxiety, short for hangover anxiety , is the colloquial term that refers to the anxiety some people experience during a hangover following alcohol consumption. [1] It describes the sense of worry, stress, and unease that can occur alongside the physical symptoms of a hangover, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue. Hangxiety affects about 12% of people. [2] [3]

The cause of hangxiety has not been identified. [4]

Hangxiety can manifest in various ways, such as racing thoughts, a sense of dread, increased heart rate, or feelings of guilt or regret about actions taken while under the influence of alcohol. It can be experienced by anyone who consumes alcohol, but individuals with underlying anxiety disorders or mental health conditions may be more susceptible to this phenomenon.

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An emotional hangover refers to the lingering emotional effects that can occur after experiencing a highly emotional event or situation due to cognitive dissonance and emotional processing. Emotion can induce physiological brain changes that persist.


  1. Moyer, Melinda Wenner (7 October 2022). "Hang-xiety? How a Night of Drinking Can Tank Your Mood". The New York Times. Retrieved 21 July 2024.
  2. Gunn, Craig (6 March 2022). "Why you may experience 'hangxiety' during a hangover". CNN. Retrieved 21 July 2024.
  3. Verster, Joris C.; Slot, Karin A.; Arnoldy, Lizanne; van Lawick van Pabst, Albertine E.; van de Loo, Aurora J. A. E.; Benson, Sarah; Scholey, Andrew (21 September 2019). "The Association between Alcohol Hangover Frequency and Severity: Evidence for Reverse Tolerance?". Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8 (10): 1520. doi: 10.3390/jcm8101520 . PMC   6832275 . PMID   31546619.
  4. "Hangxiety: why alcohol can leave you feeling anxious". Queensland Health. 26 July 2023. Retrieved 21 July 2024.