Hartle-Thorne metric

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The Hartle-Thorne metric is a spacetime metric in General Relativity that describes the exterior of a slowly and rigidly rotating, stationary and axially symmetric body. [1] It is an approximate solution of the vacuum Einstein equations. [2]


The metric was found by James Hartle and Kip Thorne in the 1960s to study the spacetime outside neutron stars, white dwarfs and supermassive stars. It can be shown that it is an approximation to the Kerr metric (which describes a rotating black hole) when the quadrupole moment is set as , which is the correct value for a black hole but not, in general, for other astrophysical objects.


Up to second order in the angular momentum , mass and quadrupole moment , the metric in spherical coordinates is given by [2]


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  1. Hartle, James B.; Thorne, Kip S. (1968). "Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars. II. Models for Neutron Stars and Supermassive Stars". The Astrophysical Journal. 153: 807. Bibcode:1968ApJ...153..807H. doi:10.1086/149707.
  2. 1 2 Frutos Alfaro, Francisco; Soffel, Michael (2017). "On the Post-Linear Quadrupole-Quadrupole Metric". Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones. 24 (2): 239. arXiv: 1507.04264 . doi:10.15517/rmta.v24i2.29856. S2CID   119159263.