The Hartley function is a measure of uncertainty, introduced by Ralph Hartley in 1928. If a sample from a finite set A uniformly at random is picked, the information revealed after the outcome is known is given by the Hartley function
where |A| denotes the cardinality of A.
If the base of the logarithm is 2, then the unit of uncertainty is the shannon (more commonly known as bit). If it is the natural logarithm, then the unit is the nat. Hartley used a base-ten logarithm, and with this base, the unit of information is called the hartley (aka ban or dit) in his honor. It is also known as the Hartley entropy or max-entropy.
The Hartley function coincides with the Shannon entropy (as well as with the Rényi entropies of all orders) in the case of a uniform probability distribution. It is a special case of the Rényi entropy since:
But it can also be viewed as a primitive construction, since, as emphasized by Kolmogorov and Rényi, the Hartley function can be defined without introducing any notions of probability (see Uncertainty and information by George J. Klir, p. 423).
The Hartley function only depends on the number of elements in a set, and hence can be viewed as a function on natural numbers. Rényi showed that the Hartley function in base 2 is the only function mapping natural numbers to real numbers that satisfies
Condition 1 says that the uncertainty of the Cartesian product of two finite sets A and B is the sum of uncertainties of A and B. Condition 2 says that a larger set has larger uncertainty.
We want to show that the Hartley function, log2(n), is the only function mapping natural numbers to real numbers that satisfies
Let f be a function on positive integers that satisfies the above three properties. From the additive property, we can show that for any integer n and k,
Let a, b, and t be any positive integers. There is a unique integer s determined by
On the other hand, by monotonicity,
Using equation (1), one gets
Since t can be arbitrarily large, the difference on the left hand side of the above inequality must be zero,
for some constant μ, which must be equal to 1 by the normalization property.
In number theory, an arithmetic, arithmetical, or number-theoretic function is for most authors any function f(n) whose domain is the positive integers and whose range is a subset of the complex numbers. Hardy & Wright include in their definition the requirement that an arithmetical function "expresses some arithmetical property of n".
In information theory, the entropy of a random variable is the average level of "information", "surprise", or "uncertainty" inherent to the variable's possible outcomes. Given a discrete random variable , which takes values in the alphabet and is distributed according to :
In mathematics, the logarithm is the inverse function to exponentiation. That means that the logarithm of a number x to the base b is the exponent to which b must be raised to produce x. For example, since 1000 = 103, the logarithm base 10 of 1000 is 3, or log10 (1000) = 3. The logarithm of x to base b is denoted as logb (x), or without parentheses, logb x, or even without the explicit base, log x, when no confusion is possible, or when the base does not matter such as in big O notation.
The natural logarithm of a number is its logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e, which is an irrational and transcendental number approximately equal to 2.718281828459. The natural logarithm of x is generally written as ln x, logex, or sometimes, if the base e is implicit, simply log x. Parentheses are sometimes added for clarity, giving ln(x), loge(x), or log(x). This is done particularly when the argument to the logarithm is not a single symbol, so as to prevent ambiguity.
In number theory, an additive function is an arithmetic function f(n) of the positive integer variable n such that whenever a and b are coprime, the function applied to the product ab is the sum of the values of the function applied to a and b:
In information theory, the information content, self-information, surprisal, or Shannon information is a basic quantity derived from the probability of a particular event occurring from a random variable. It can be thought of as an alternative way of expressing probability, much like odds or log-odds, but which has particular mathematical advantages in the setting of information theory.
In fractal geometry, the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension, also known as Minkowski dimension or box-counting dimension, is a way of determining the fractal dimension of a set in a Euclidean space , or more generally in a metric space . It is named after the Polish mathematician Hermann Minkowski and the French mathematician Georges Bouligand.
In mathematics, subadditivity is a property of a function that states, roughly, that evaluating the function for the sum of two elements of the domain always returns something less than or equal to the sum of the function's values at each element. There are numerous examples of subadditive functions in various areas of mathematics, particularly norms and square roots. Additive maps are special cases of subadditive functions.
In quantum mechanics, information theory, and Fourier analysis, the entropic uncertainty or Hirschman uncertainty is defined as the sum of the temporal and spectral Shannon entropies. It turns out that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle can be expressed as a lower bound on the sum of these entropies. This is stronger than the usual statement of the uncertainty principle in terms of the product of standard deviations.
In information theory, the Rényi entropy is a quantity that generalizes various notions of entropy, including Hartley entropy, Shannon entropy, collision entropy, and min-entropy. The Rényi entropy is named after Alfréd Rényi, who looked for the most general way to quantify information while preserving additivity for independent events. In the context of fractal dimension estimation, the Rényi entropy forms the basis of the concept of generalized dimensions.
Differential entropy is a concept in information theory that began as an attempt by Claude Shannon to extend the idea of (Shannon) entropy. A measure of average (surprisal) of a random variable, to continuous probability distributions. Unfortunately, Shannon did not derive this formula, and rather just assumed it was the correct continuous analogue of discrete entropy, but it is not. The actual continuous version of discrete entropy is the limiting density of discrete points (LDDP). Differential entropy is commonly encountered in the literature, but it is a limiting case of the LDDP, and one that loses its fundamental association with discrete entropy.
In information theory, information dimension is an information measure for random vectors in Euclidean space, based on the normalized entropy of finely quantized versions of the random vectors. This concept was first introduced by Alfréd Rényi in 1959.
In mathematics, a complex logarithm is a generalization of the natural logarithm to nonzero complex numbers. The term refers to one of the following, which are strongly related:
In information theory, the binary entropy function, denoted or , is defined as the entropy of a Bernoulli process with probability of one of two values. It is a special case of , the entropy function. Mathematically, the Bernoulli trial is modelled as a random variable that can take on only two values: 0 and 1, which are mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
In number theory, the Erdős–Kac theorem, named after Paul Erdős and Mark Kac, and also known as the fundamental theorem of probabilistic number theory, states that if ω(n) is the number of distinct prime factors of n, then, loosely speaking, the probability distribution of
In mathematics, the super-logarithm is one of the two inverse functions of tetration. Just as exponentiation has two inverse functions, roots and logarithms, tetration has two inverse functions, super-roots and super-logarithms. There are several ways of interpreting super-logarithms:
In mathematics, the Babenko–Beckner inequality (after K. Ivan Babenko and William E. Beckner) is a sharpened form of the Hausdorff–Young inequality having applications to uncertainty principles in the Fourier analysis of Lp spaces. The (q, p)-norm of the n-dimensional Fourier transform is defined to be
In probability theory and statistics, the Poisson binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of a sum of independent Bernoulli trials that are not necessarily identically distributed. The concept is named after Siméon Denis Poisson.
Rodion Osievich Kuzmin was a Soviet mathematician, known for his works in number theory and analysis. His name is sometimes transliterated as Kusmin. He was an Invited Speaker of the ICM in 1928 in Bologna.
In number theory, the prime omega functions and count the number of prime factors of a natural number Thereby counts each distinct prime factor, whereas the related function counts the total number of prime factors of honoring their multiplicity. That is, if we have a prime factorization of of the form for distinct primes , then the respective prime omega functions are given by and . These prime factor counting functions have many important number theoretic relations.