Haskell organ pipe construction

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The Haskell organ pipe construction, sometimes known as "Haskelling" is a method of organ construction used when space does not permit the builder to build a full-length pipe. It consists of a shorter (compared to the full-length pipe) tube nested within another shorter tube. This construction, however, subtly alters the tone of the pipe, causing it to adopt a slightly string-like tone. [1] The minimum height of a 16-foot pipe using this technique is around 10 feet. [1]


This is a diagram of possible haskelling techniques. Haskelling diagram.png
This is a diagram of possible haskelling techniques.


This technique was developed and patented by the William E. Haskell in 1910 for Estey, in a series of patents Haskell took out on techniques intended to reduce the length of organ pipes while maintaining their pitch. [3] Haskell creates several variations on this design. [2] This technique was especially used in the Estey Minuette organs, which had 2MP pipe organs in what resembled rather large grand or upright piano cases. [4]


This technique is far more commonly used on flue pipes than reed pipes. [2]

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William E. Haskell was an American organ-builder and inventor born on November 29, 1865 in Chicago, Illinois. His father, Charles S. Haskell, was also an organ-builder employed by the Roosevelt organ company, located in Philadelphia. At the age of 18, Haskell began working with his father, and around 1901, he established the William E. Haskell Co. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This organ-building firm was later acquired by Estey Organ Co., and Haskell became superintendent of the Estey pipe organ division, which was located in Vermont. He died there on May 13, 1927.


  1. 1 2 "Organ Pipes Metal Flues, Wood Flues, and Reeds" (PDF). www.organsupply.com. Retrieved 2018-12-13.
  2. 1 2 3 "Encyclopedia of Organ Stops". www.organstops.org. Retrieved 2018-12-13.
  3. "Pipe Organ Database | William e. Haskell".
  4. http://americantreasuretour.com/estey-grand-minuette