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Hemeroby, or hemerochora is a term used in botanical and ecological sciences. It is often associated to naturalness as the complementary term, [1] with a high degree of hemeroby equating to a high human influence on a natural environment. [2] However, the two terms are not inversely related. [3]



The term is derived from the Greek hémeros and bíos. The word hemero-, hemer- means tame, cultivated. Bios is life. Hemeroby literally means "tamed life".


Various scales for quantifying hemeroby have been devised. [2]

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  1. G Grabherr. "Hemeroby of austrian forest ecosystems". Department of Conservation Biology, Vegetation Ecology and Landscape Ecology of the University of Vienna. Archived from the original on 2011-07-03.
  2. 1 2 M. O. Hill; D. B. Roy; K. Thompson (2002). "Hemeroby, urbanity and ruderality: bioindicators of disturbance and human impact". Journal of Applied Ecology. 39 (5): 708–720. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2664.2002.00746.x . ISSN   0021-8901.
  3. Winter, S. (29 February 2012). "Forest naturalness assessment as a component of biodiversity monitoring and conservation management". Forestry. 85 (2): 293–304. doi: 10.1093/forestry/cps004 .