Henk Barendregt

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Henk Barendregt during his visit in Prague in April 2012 Henk Barendregt at the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague.jpg
Henk Barendregt during his visit in Prague in April 2012

Hendrik Pieter (Henk) Barendregt (born 18 December 1947, Amsterdam) [1] is a Dutch logician, known for his work in lambda calculus and type theory.


Life and work

Barendregt studied mathematical logic at Utrecht University, obtaining his master's degree in 1968 and his PhD in 1971, both cum laude , under Dirk van Dalen and Georg Kreisel. After a postdoctoral position at Stanford University, he taught at Utrecht University.

Since 1986, Barendregt has taught at Radboud University Nijmegen, where he now holds the Chair of Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science. His research group works on Constructive Interactive Mathematics. He is also adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US. He has been a visiting scholar at Darmstadt, ETH Zürich, Siena, and Kyoto.

Barendregt was elected a member of Academia Europaea in 1992. [2] In 1997 Barendregt was elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. [3] On 6 February 2003 Barendregt was awarded the Spinozapremie for 2002, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands. [4] In 2002 he was knighted in the Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw.

Barendregt received an honorary doctorate from Heriot-Watt University in 2015. [5]

Selected publications

Related Research Articles

Lambda calculus is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. Untyped lambda calculus, the topic of this article, is a universal model of computation that can be used to simulate any Turing machine. It was introduced by the mathematician Alonzo Church in the 1930s as part of his research into the foundations of mathematics. In 1936, Church found a formulation which was logically consistent, and documented it in 1940.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Church–Rosser theorem</span> Theorem in theoretical computer science

In lambda calculus, the Church–Rosser theorem states that, when applying reduction rules to terms, the ordering in which the reductions are chosen does not make a difference to the eventual result.

A typed lambda calculus is a typed formalism that uses the lambda-symbol to denote anonymous function abstraction. In this context, types are usually objects of a syntactic nature that are assigned to lambda terms; the exact nature of a type depends on the calculus considered. From a certain point of view, typed lambda calculi can be seen as refinements of the untyped lambda calculus, but from another point of view, they can also be considered the more fundamental theory and untyped lambda calculus a special case with only one type.

System F is a typed lambda calculus that introduces, to simply typed lambda calculus, a mechanism of universal quantification over types. System F formalizes parametric polymorphism in programming languages, thus forming a theoretical basis for languages such as Haskell and ML. It was discovered independently by logician Jean-Yves Girard (1972) and computer scientist John C. Reynolds.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Samson Abramsky</span> British computer scientist

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Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA) is an annual international academic conference on the topic of rewriting. It covers all aspects of rewriting, including termination, equational reasoning, theorem proving, higher-order rewriting, unification and the lambda calculus. The conference consists of peer-reviewed papers with the proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series until 2009, and since then in the LIPIcs series published by the Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. Several rewriting-related workshops are also affiliated with RTA.

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In the branches of mathematical logic known as proof theory and type theory, a pure type system (PTS), previously known as a generalized type system (GTS), is a form of typed lambda calculus that allows an arbitrary number of sorts and dependencies between any of these. The framework can be seen as a generalisation of Barendregt's lambda cube, in the sense that all corners of the cube can be represented as instances of a PTS with just two sorts. In fact, Barendregt (1991) framed his cube in this setting. Pure type systems may obscure the distinction between types and terms and collapse the type hierarchy, as is the case with the calculus of constructions, but this is not generally the case, e.g. the simply typed lambda calculus allows only terms to depend on terms.

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Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini is an Italian logician and theoretical computer scientist whose research topics include type theory and intersection type disciplines, lambda calculus, and programming language semantics. She is a professor emerita at the University of Turin.


  1. Erik Barendsen; Herman Geuvers; Venanzio Capretta; Milad Niqui, eds. (2007). Reflections on Type Theory, Lambda Calculus, and the Mind Essays Dedicated to Henk Barendregt on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. University Nijmegen. ISBN   978-90-9022446-6. Here: Preface, p.5
  2. "Hendrik Barendregt". Academia Europaea. Archived from the original on 28 March 2019.
  3. "Henk Barendregt". Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 21 May 2020.
  4. "NWO Spinoza Prize 2002". Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. 5 September 2014. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 30 January 2016.
  5. "Edinburgh Campus graduations - News | Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh". www.hw.ac.uk. Retrieved 2016-03-24.