Henry Baker (computer scientist)

Last updated
Henry Baker
Alma mater MIT
Scientific career
Thesis Actor systems for real-time computation  (1978)
Doctoral advisor Carl Hewitt
Website blog.plover.com/prog/Henry-Baker.html

Henry Givens Baker Jr. is an American computer scientist who has made contributions in garbage collection, functional programming languages, and linear logic. He was one of the founders of Symbolics, a company that designed and manufactured a line of Lisp machines. In 2006 he was recognized as a Distinguished Scientist by the Association for Computing Machinery.


He is notable for his research in garbage collection, particularly Baker's real-time copying collector, and on the Actor model.

Baker received his B.Sc. (1969), S.M. (1973), E.E. (1973), and Ph.D. (1978) degrees at M.I.T.

The Chicken Scheme compiler was inspired by an innovative design of Baker's. [1]


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  1. Henry G. Baker (Aug 1, 1995). "CONS Should Not CONS Its Arguments, part II: Cheney on the M.T.A." ACM SIGPLAN Notices . 30 (9): 17–20. doi:10.1145/214448.214454. ISSN   0362-1340. S2CID   20720831. Archived from the original on May 8, 2020. Retrieved April 23, 2020.