Hilbert's irreducibility theorem

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In number theory, Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, conceived by David Hilbert in 1892, states that every finite set of irreducible polynomials in a finite number of variables and having rational number coefficients admit a common specialization of a proper subset of the variables to rational numbers such that all the polynomials remain irreducible. This theorem is a prominent theorem in number theory.


Formulation of the theorem

Hilbert's irreducibility theorem. Let

be irreducible polynomials in the ring

Then there exists an r-tuple of rational numbers (a1, ..., ar) such that

are irreducible in the ring



Hilbert's irreducibility theorem has numerous applications in number theory and algebra. For example:

then it can be specialized to a Galois extension N0 of the rational numbers with G as its Galois group. [2] (To see this, choose a monic irreducible polynomial f(X1, ..., Xn, Y) whose root generates N over E. If f(a1, ..., an, Y) is irreducible for some ai, then a root of it will generate the asserted N0.)
(More elementary proofs exist.) The same result is true when "square" is replaced by "cube", "fourth power", etc.


It has been reformulated and generalized extensively, by using the language of algebraic geometry. See thin set (Serre).

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  1. Lang (1997) p.41
  2. 1 2 Lang (1997) p.42