His Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate

Last updated

Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland
Established26 May 2003
Headquarters London, England [1]
Region served
England and Wales
Chief Inspector
Anthony Rogers
Website https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmcpsi/

His Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI), has statutory responsibility for the inspection of the Crown Prosecution Service. HMCPSI is headed by HM Chief Inspector of the Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate.


England an Wales

HMCPSI is responsible to the Attorney General for England and Wales. [2]

As a public authority, decisions and actions of HMCPSI are susceptible to judicial review.


List of chief inspectors

The first chief inspector was appointed in 2000. [3]

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  1. "About HMCPSI". Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. Retrieved 8 July 2024.
  2. "Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate Act 2000: Section 3", legislation.gov.uk , The National Archives, 20 July 2000, 2000 c. 10 (s. 3), retrieved 8 July 2024
  3. "The Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate Act 2000 (Commencement) Order 2000: Article 2", legislation.gov.uk , The National Archives, SI 2000/2423 (art. 2)