Homer Jacobson

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Homer Jacobson is a former chemistry professor at Brooklyn College, New York City.

In the 1950s he illustrated basic self-replication in artificial life with a model train set. [1] A seed "organism" consisting of a "head" and "tail" boxcar could use the simple rules of the system to consistently create new "organisms" identical to itself, so long as there was a random pool of new boxcars to draw from.

In 1955 he published "Information, Reproduction and the Origin of Life," in American Scientist . In 2007, he retracted two passages of this work after realizing that errors in his paper were being misread as evidence for creationism. [2]


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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outline of evolution</span>

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to evolution:


  1. Jacobson, Homer (1958). "On Models of Reproduction". American Scientist. 46 (3): 255–284. JSTOR   27827154.
  2. Cornelia Dean (2007-10-25). "'55 'Origin of Life' Paper Is Retracted". New York Times .