The Hungarian Giant Pigeon is one of the oldest pigeon breeds in Hungary. They were given the nickname "Queen of Pigeons".
It has been a common breed in Nagyalföld, for hundreds of years. Their ancestors most likely come from Türkiye, and were nationalized during the Era of Turkish occupation of Lower Hungary (Hódoltság Kora).
From its beak to its tail, the Hungarian Giant Pigeon can measure up to 45–50 cm and a height of 25–28 cm. It has stronger bones compared to common pigeons. The female's weight is at minimum 800 grams and 900-1000 g. for males. [1] Because of their large size they were often used as squabbing pigeons in the U.S. during then 1920's [2] Originally white, they now exist in black, grey and brown. Currently there are about 1500 living in Hungary. [3]