Hunter killer operations are prolonged operations conducted in irregular warfare by a unique and specifically organized force, in conjunction with an indigenous force, against irregular warfare adversaries by operating behind the lines or in hostile, safe haven, or semi permissive environments, employing unorthodox tactics, for the sole purpose of achieving attrition and punitive actions predominantly against the personnel, leadership, and resources of the enemy. [1]
Hunter-killer forces and operations:
- are best employed during irregular warfare environments [2]
- require independent maneuver in enemy territory [2]
- should not be formed ad hoc [3]
- require specialized training in enemy tactics and weaponry, long-range endurance operations, infiltration and exfiltration techniques, and combat techniques [4]
- require equal or superior maneuverability and mobility to the enemy in order to succeed [4]
The hunter-killer approach provides:
- versatility through its combination of combat power, reconnaissance capability, and survivability. [5]
- the ability to effectively acquire information aggressively, perform security, and conduct counter-reconnaissance. [5]
- control of any predicament the team is in, and of the operational tempo, denying this to the enemy. [6]
- psychological effects on the enemy, specifically their will to fight. [6]
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