In mathematics, specifically in graph theory and number theory, a hydra game is a single-player iterative mathematical game played on a mathematical tree called a hydra where, usually, the goal is to cut off the hydra's "heads" while the hydra simultaneously expands itself. Hydra games can be used to generate large numbers or infinite ordinals or prove the strength of certain mathematical theories. [1]
Unlike their combinatorial counterparts like TREE and SCG, no search is required to compute these fast-growing function values – one must simply keep applying the transformation rule to the tree until the game says to stop.
A simple hydra game can be defined as follows:
Even though the hydra may grow by an unbounded number of leaves at each turn, the game will eventually end in finitely many steps: if is the greatest distance between the root and the leaf, and the number of leaves at this distance, induction on can be used to demonstrate that the player will always kill the hydra. If , removing the leaves can never cause the hydra to grow, so the player wins after turns. For general , we consider two kinds of moves: those that involve a leaf at a distance less than from the root, and those that involve a leaf at a distance of exactly . Since moves of the first kind are also identical to moves in a game with depth , the induction hypothesis tells us that after finitely many such moves, the player will have no choice but to choose a leaf at depth . No move introduces new nodes at this depth, so this entire process can only repeat up to times, after which there are no more leaves at depth and the game now has depth (at most) . Invoking the induction hypothesis again, we find that the player must eventually win overall.
While this shows that the player will win eventually, it can take a very long time. As an example, consider the following algorithm. Pick the rightmost leaf (i.e., the newest leaf which will be on the level closest to the root) and set the first time, the second time, and so on, always increasing by one. If a hydra has a single -length branch, then for , the hydra is killed in a single step, while it is killed in three steps if . There are 11 steps required for . There are 1114111 steps required for . [2] has been calculated exactly. [3] Let and to be nested n times. Then .
The general solution to the hydra game is as follows: [4]
Let denote the number of steps required to decrement a head of depth n when the heads closer to the roots are all singular (no further "right" branches).
Then and .
The answer to is:
The growth rate of this function is faster than the standard fast-growing hierarchy, as alone grows at the rate of the fast-growing hierarchy, and the solution is the nth nesting of .
The Kirby–Paris hydra is defined by altering the fourth rule of the hydra defined above.
4KP: Assume is the parent of if . Attach copies of the subtree with root to to the right of all other nodes connected to . Return to stage 2. [5]
Instead of adding only new leaves, this rule adds duplicates of an entire subtree. Keeping everything else the same, this time requires turn, requires steps, requires steps and requires more steps than Graham's number. This functions growth rate is massive, equal to in the fast-growing hierarchy.
This is not the most powerful hydra. The Buchholz hydra is a more potent hydra. [6] It entails a labelled tree. The root has a unique label (call it ), and each other node has a label that is either a non-negative integer or . [7]
Surprisingly, even though the hydra can grow enormously taller, this sequence always ends. [9]
For Kirby–Paris hydras, the rules are simple: start with a hydra, which is an unordered unlabelled rooted tree . At each stage, the player chooses a leaf node to chop and a non-negative integer . If is a child of the root , it is removed from the tree and nothing else happens that turn. Otherwise, let be 's parent, and be 's parent. Remove from the tree, then add copies of the modified as children to . The game ends when the hydra is reduced to a single node.
To obtain a fast-growing function, we can fix , say, at the first step, then , , and so on, and decide on a simple rule for where to cut, say, always choosing the rightmost leaf. Then, is the number of steps needed for the game to end starting with a path of length , that is, a linear stack of nodes. eventually dominates all recursive functions which are provably total in Peano arithmetic, and is itself provably total in . [10]
This could alternatively expressed using strings of brackets:
For example, with , . Next is a list of values of :
The Buchholz hydra game is a hydra game in mathematical logic, a single player game based on the idea of chopping pieces off a mathematical tree. The hydra game can be used to generate a rapidly growing function , which eventually dominates all provably total recursive functions. It is an extension of Kirby-Paris hydras. What we use to obtain a fast-growing function is the same as Kirby-Paris hydras, but because Buchholz hydras grow not only in width but also in height, has a much greater growth rate of :
This system can also be used to create an ordinal notation for infinite ordinals, e.g. .
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In functional analysis, every C*-algebra is isomorphic to a subalgebra of the C*-algebra of bounded linear operators on some Hilbert space This article describes the spectral theory of closed normal subalgebras of . A subalgebra of is called normal if it is commutative and closed under the operation: for all , we have and that .
In mathematics, especially mathematical logic, graph theory and number theory, the Buchholz hydra game is a type of hydra game, which is a single-player game based on the idea of chopping pieces off a mathematical tree. The hydra game can be used to generate a rapidly growing function, , which eventually dominates all recursive functions that are provably total in "", and the termination of all hydra games is not provably total in .
This article incorporates text by Komi Amiko available under the CC BY 4.0 license.