Hạnh Thục ca

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The Hạnh Thục ca (幸蜀歌, 1885 in "Song of Voyage to Thục") is the best known work of Nguyễn Thị Bích, a Vietnamese court lady. [1] [2] The poem describes her experiences in the 1885 flight of Hàm Nghi. [3] It is written in vernacular chữ Nôm using lục bát verse. [4]

Nguyễn Thị Bích(阮氏碧), also known as Nguyễn Nhược Thị Bích was a Vietnamese poet. She was a literate lady at the Huế court whose experiences in the 1885 flight of Hàm Nghi are recorded in her best known work Hạnh Thục ca, Song of Voyage to Thục.

Hàm Nghi Vietnamese emperor

Emperor Hàm Nghi, personal name Nguyễn Phúc Ưng Lịch, also Nguyễn Phúc Minh, was the eighth Emperor of the Vietnamese Nguyễn Dynasty. He reigned for only one year (1884–85).

Chữ Nôm vernacular writing system for the Vietnamese language using Chinese characters

Chữ Nôm, in earlier times also called quốc âm or chữ nam, is a logographic writing system formerly used to write the Vietnamese language. It used the standard set of classical Chinese characters to represent Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary and some native Vietnamese words, while new characters were created on the Chinese model to represent other words.

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  1. Encyclopaedia of Asian civilizations - Volumes 6 7 - Page 96 Louis-Frédéric - 1987 "Poetess (1830-1909), a lady ín the gynaeceum of King Ham Nghi of Huê, author of the Hanh Thuc Ca (1885)."
  2. Cécil Saint-Laurent, Jacques Laurent Les Choses que j'ai vues au Vietnam m'ont fait douter de l'intelligence occidentale. 1968 Page 139 "Comme l'écrivit la poétesse Nguyen-Nhuoc-Thi- Bich : « Ils arrosèrent notre citadelle de leurs obus, Au tonnerre et à la foudre pareils, Sous lesquels même les montagnes s'écrouleraient; Comment eût pu résister la Citadelle? Nos soldats... La cour de Hué s'enfuit aussi, et la poétesse, qui était du voyage, a relaté dans un autre poème l'état d'esprit des grands, vite lassés de leur exode : « Fuir dans ces lointaines montagnes escarpées et insalubres? Non, nous ne voulons pas"
  3. VIII. LE VIỆT NAM SOUS DOMINATION FRANCAISE (1885-1945) 2330* NGUYỄN Nhược Thị. Hạnh Thục ca (n) [Chant du voyage au pays de Thục]. Récit versifié par une dame lettrée du palais impérial,"
  4. Patricia M. Pelley Postcolonial Vietnam: New Histories of the National Past 2002 - Page 268 "Among the novels most frequently discussed were Phạm Công – Cúc Hoa, Nhị độ mai, Lục súc tranh công, Truyện Thạch Sanh, Chử Đồng Tử, Trạng Quỳnh, Tống Trân Cúc Hoa, Phạm Tải – Ngọc Hoa, Truyện Trinh thử, and Hạnh Thục Ca. The more prominent participants in these discussions were Hằng Phương, Văn Tân, Trương Chính, Hoa Bằng, Võ Xuân Phố, Nguyễn Đổng Chi, Mai Hanh, Ninh Viết Giao, and Đặng Việt Thanh."