The Lighthill-Thwaites Prize of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), [1] in cooperation with the Institute's Journal of Applied Mathematics and the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC), is a biennial prize established in 2011 by the IMA in honour of the achievement of its first two Presidents – Professors Sir James Lighthill and Sir Bryan Thwaites. The prize honours young applied mathematicians (of any nationality), and applicants submit papers for review. A committee reviews the papers, invites shortlisted candidates to give lectures at the Lighthill-Thwaites meeting, and then awards a First Prize.[ citation needed ]
Peter David Lax is a Hungarian-born American mathematician and Abel Prize laureate working in the areas of pure and applied mathematics.
The Edinburgh Mathematical Society is a mathematical society for academics in Scotland.
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) is the UK's chartered professional body for mathematicians and one of the UK's learned societies for mathematics.
Sir Michael James Lighthill was a British applied mathematician, known for his pioneering work in the field of aeroacoustics and for writing the Lighthill report, which pessimistically stated that "In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised", contributing to the gloomy climate of AI winter.
The Adams Prize is one of the most prestigious prizes awarded by the University of Cambridge. It is awarded each year by the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and St John's College to a UK-based mathematician for distinguished research in the Mathematical Sciences.
The Department of Computer Science is the computer science department of the University of Oxford, England, which is part of the university's Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division. It was founded in 1957 as the Computing Laboratory. By 2014 the staff count was 52 members of academic staff and over 80 research staff. The 2019, 2020 and 2021 Times World University Subject Rankings places Oxford University 1st in the world for Computer Science. Oxford University is also the top university for computer science in the UK and Europe according to Business Insider. The 2020 QS University Subject Rankings places The University of Oxford 5th in the world for Computer Science.
David Rodney "Roger" Heath-Brown is a British mathematician working in the field of analytic number theory.
The Mathematical Institute is the mathematics department at the University of Oxford in England. It is one of the nine departments of the university's Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division. The institute includes both pure and applied mathematics and is one of the largest mathematics departments in the United Kingdom with about 200 academic staff. It was ranked as the top mathematics department in the UK in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework. Research at the Mathematical Institute covers all branches of mathematical sciences ranging from, for example, algebra, number theory, and geometry to the application of mathematics to a wide range of fields including industry, finance, networks, and the brain. It has more than 850 undergraduates and 550 doctoral or masters students. The institute inhabits a purpose-built building between Somerville College and Green Templeton College on Woodstock Road, next to the Faculty of Philosophy.
Dame Frances Clare Kirwan, is a British mathematician, currently Savilian Professor of Geometry at the University of Oxford. Her fields of specialisation are algebraic and symplectic geometry.
Nicholas John Higham FRS was a British numerical analyst. He was Royal Society Research Professor and Richardson Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manchester.
The Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) is a biennial prize established in 1985 by the IMA in honour of mathematician Leslie Fox (1918-1992). The prize honours "young numerical analysts worldwide", and applicants submit papers for review. A committee reviews the papers, invites shortlisted candidates to give lectures at the Leslie Fox Prize meeting, and then awards First Prize and Second Prizes based on "mathematical and algorithmic brilliance in tandem with presentational skills."
Avner Friedman is Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Physical Sciences at Ohio State University. His primary field of research is partial differential equations, with interests in stochastic processes, mathematical modeling, free boundary problems, and control theory.
Endre Süli is a mathematician. He is Professor of Numerical Analysis in the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics at Worcester College, Oxford and Adjunct Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford. He was educated at the University of Belgrade and, as a British Council Visiting Student, at the University of Reading and St Catherine's College, Oxford. His research is concerned with the mathematical analysis of numerical algorithms for nonlinear partial differential equations.
Martin Robert Bridson is a Manx mathematician. He is Whitehead Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Oxford, and the president of the Clay Mathematics Institute. He was previously the head of Oxford's Mathematical Institute. He is a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford and an honorary fellow of Hertford College, Oxford. Specializing in geometry, topology and group theory, Bridson is best known for his work in geometric group theory.
Tom Sanders is an English mathematician, working on problems in additive combinatorics at the interface of harmonic analysis and analytic number theory.
The Élie Cartan Prize is awarded every three years by the Institut de France, Academie des Sciences, Fondation Élie Cartan, to recognize a mathematician who has introduced new ideas or solved a difficult problem. The prize, named for mathematician Élie Cartan, was established in 1980 and carries a monetary award.
Helen M. Byrne is a mathematician based at the University of Oxford. She is Professor of Mathematical Biology in the university's Mathematical Institute and a Professorial Fellow in Mathematics at Keble College. Her work involves developing mathematical models to describe biomedical systems including tumours. She was awarded the 2019 Society for Mathematical Biology Leah Edelstein-Keshet Prize for exceptional scientific achievements and for mentoring other scientists and was appointed a Fellow of the Society in 2021.
Sir Bryan Thwaites, FIMA, FRSA is an English applied mathematician, educationalist and administrator.
Anna Seigal is a British mathematician who conducts research in applied algebraic geometry at Harvard University and the University of Oxford. She was awarded the 2020 SIAM Richard C. DiPrima Prize and the Bernard Friedman Memorial Prize in Applied Mathematics.
Anders C. Hansen is a Norwegian mathematician, who is currently a Professor of Mathematics at University of Cambridge, where he is the head of the Applied Functional and Harmonic Analysis group, and also Professor II at the University of Oslo. He works in functional analysis, harmonic analysis (applied), foundations of mathematics (computational), data science and numerical analysis.