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iMinds (formerly IBBT) was a Flemish non-profit organization, founded by the Flemish Government. [1] It was founded as a research institute, with a focus on information & communication technology (ICT) in general, and applications of broadband technology in particular. iMinds offers companies and organizations active support in research and development. [2] It brings together companies, authorities, and non-profit organizations to join forces on research projects. [3]

Flanders Community and region of Belgium

Flanders is the Dutch-speaking northern portion of Belgium and one of the communities, regions and language areas of Belgium. However, there are several overlapping definitions, including ones related to culture, language, politics and history, and sometimes involving neighbouring countries. The demonym associated with Flanders is Fleming, while the corresponding adjective is Flemish. The official capital of Flanders is Brussels, although the Brussels Capital Region has an independent regional government, and the government of Flanders only oversees the community aspects of Flanders life in Brussels such as (Flemish) culture and education.

A research institute or research center is an establishment founded for doing research. Research institutes may specialize in basic research or may be oriented to applied research. Although the term often implies natural science research, there are also many research institutes in the social science as well, especially for sociological and historical research purposes.

In telecommunications, broadband is wide bandwidth data transmission which transports multiple signals and traffic types. The medium can be coaxial cable, optical fiber, radio or twisted pair.


In September 2016, iMinds merged with international research and development center IMEC. [4]


IMEC is an international research & development and innovation hub, active in the fields of nanoelectronics and digital technologies. Luc Van den Hove has served as President and CEO since 2009.


Wim de Waele Wim de Waele.jpg
Wim de Waele

The central staff of iMinds consists of 29 full-time employees[ citation needed ]. They are responsible for operational support and external communication. Wim De Waele is Director of iMinds[ citation needed ].

iMinds has an extended network of partners. [5] Some of these partners are actively involved in determining the long-term vision and strategy of iMinds. [6] [7] [8]

iMinds unites more than 1000 researchers from 5 research departments specialized in one or more of the basic competencies of iMinds. The composition of the research groups is flexible and aligned to the evolving needs of companies and organizations.

The Board of Directors is made up of representatives from both the private and public sector. The 16 members ensure that all research programs meet existing needs.

European Alliance for Innovation

iMinds is a member of the European Alliance For Innovation (EAI) since May 2011. [9] EAI is a grassroots organization initiated through cooperation between public, private and government organisations. EAI bridges the gaps between the market, research, and regulation, bringing together key players from every discipline within the ICT innovation cycle.

Research domains

iMinds stimulates research that addresses current social and economic issues.

iMinds has carried out over 250 research projects within these themes already.

See also


Agoria is Belgium's largest employers' organisation and trade association. The companies represented by Agoria are active in 8 markets and 5 industries.

The Performance Analysis of Telecommunication Systems (PATS) research group is part of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Antwerp. The group was founded in 1995. PATS performs basic, applied and contract research related to the performance analysis of telecommunication systems and the impact of performance on the architecture and the design of these systems.

The Integral SatCom Initiative (ISI) was an Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) European Technology Platform (ETP) led by the European SatCom industry and supported by the European Commission to address Satellite Communications (SatCom) strategic research and innovation challenges. It gathered approximately 200 member organisations representing all the stakeholders of the European SatCom sector from 29 different countries. It included members from manufacturing industry, network operations and service provision, SMEs, research centres and academia, European and National Institutions. Some international research entities do also participate. In 2013, after a public call by the European Commission to re-structure ETPs to better fit Horizon 2020 interests, ISI formally merged with Net!Works ETP to form NetWorld ETP, bringing together almost 1,000 partner organisations. NetWorld would become the partner ETP in the contractual public-private innovation partnership on 5G Infrastructures with the EU in December 2013.

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  1. iMinds changes the name. Retrieved 16 April 2013.
  2. iLab.o. Retrieved 16 April 2013.
  3. iMinds steers ICT projects. Retrieved 16 April 2013.
  4. "Merger Between Centers Imec and iMinds Completed". Newswire Today.
  5. iMinds Annual Report 2011. Retrieved 16 April 2013.
  6. Cooperation with KU Leuven. Retrieved 16 April 2013.
  7. Cooperation with University of Hasselt . Retrieved 16 April 2013.
  8. Cooperation with VUB. Retrieved 16 April 2013.
  9. EAI welcomes new members. Retrieved 16 April 2013.