Initiative for Open Authentication

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The name OATH is an acronym from the phrase "open authentication", and is pronounced as the English word "oath". [1]


OATH is not related to OAuth, an open standard for authorization, however, most logging systems employ a mixture of both.

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multiOTP Authentication system

multiOTP is an open source PHP class, a command line tool, and a web interface that can be used to provide an operating-system-independent, strong authentication system. multiOTP is OATH-certified since version 4.1.0 and is developed under the LGPL license. Starting with version, multiOTP open source is also available as a virtual appliance—as a standard OVA file, a customized OVA file with open-vm-tools, and also as a virtual machine downloadable file that can run on Microsoft's Hyper-V, a common native hypervisor in Windows computers.


  1. "Pronunciation and Capitalization". Google Groups. Archived from the original on 14 November 2016. Retrieved 24 August 2016.