Insertion sequence IS1222 ribosomal frameshifting element

Last updated
Insertion sequence IS1222 ribosomal frameshifting element
Predicted secondary structure and sequence conservation of IS1222_FSE
Rfam RF00383
Other data
RNA type Cis-reg; frameshift_element
Domain(s) Bacteria
SO SO:0000233
PDB structures PDBe

In molecular cell biology the Insertion sequence IS1222 ribosomal frameshifting element is an RNA element found in the insertion sequence IS222. The ribosomal frameshifting element stimulates frameshifting which is known to be required for transposition. [1]

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  1. Mejlhede N, Licznar P, Prère MF, Wills NM, Gesteland RF, Atkins JF, Fayet O (May 2004). "-1 frameshifting at a CGA AAG hexanucleotide site is required for transposition of insertion sequence IS1222". Journal of Bacteriology. 186 (10): 3274–3277. doi:10.1128/JB.186.10.3274-3277.2004. PMC   400620 . PMID   15126494.