Instructional Skills Workshop

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Overview and History

The Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) is offered within a small group setting (5-6 participants) and is designed to enhance the teaching effectiveness of both new and experienced educators. It is a structured approach to peer feedback on microteaching with additional thematic sessions for instructors' learning. During the 24-hour workshop (usually offered over 3-4 days), participants design and conduct three "mini-lessons" and receive verbal, written and video feedback from the other participants who have been learners in the mini-lessons. Using an intensive experiential learning [1] approach, the workshop encourages reflection and examination of one's teaching practices with feedback focused on the learning process rather than on the content of the lesson. [2]

Micro-teaching is a teacher training and faculty development technique whereby the teacher reviews a recording of a teaching session, in order to get constructive feedback from peers and/or students about what has worked and what improvements can be made to their teaching technique. Micro-teaching was invented in the mid-1960s at Stanford University by Dwight W. Allen, and has subsequently been used to develop educators in all forms of education.

Experiential learning

Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically defined as "learning through reflection on doing". Hands-on learning is a form of experiential learning but does not necessarily involve students reflecting on their product. Experiential learning is distinct from rote or didactic learning, in which the learner plays a comparatively passive role. It is related to, but not synonymous with, other forms of active learning such as action learning, adventure learning, free-choice learning, cooperative learning, service-learning, and situated learning.


Those who wish to facilitate ISW after taking it must take the 40-hour Facilitator Development Workshop (FDW), and those who wish to train facilitators take the Trainer Development Workshop (TDW) by shadowing the FDW with a trainer from the network.

The ISW promotes participatory learning and the building of community. Detailed information about the ISW and related workshops can be found at the ISW Network website

The Instructional Skills Workshop was initially designed for instructors at community colleges and institutes in British Columbia in 1978 by Douglas Kerr, from the Vancouver Community College at the request of Diane Morrison from the Ministry of Advanced Education. [3]

British Columbia Province of Canada

British Columbia is the westernmost province of Canada, located between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains. With an estimated population of 5.016 million as of 2018, it is Canada's third-most populous province.

Vancouver Community College is a public community college in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Founded in 1965, it is the largest and oldest community college in British Columbia, with over 140 certificate and diploma programs. VCC has three campuses, Broadway, Downtown and Annacis Island.

In 1992, the University of British Columbia introduced the ISW as a program designed for teaching assistants. [3]

University of British Columbia public research university in British Columbia, Canada

The University of British Columbia (UBC) is a public research university with campuses in Vancouver and Kelowna, British Columbia. Established in 1908, UBC is British Columbia's oldest university. The university is ranked among the top 20 public universities worldwide and among the top three in Canada. With an annual research budget of $600 million, UBC funds over 8,000 projects a year.

The first handbook was written by Douglas Kerr in 1978. As the ISW grew across Canada and internationally, there have been numerous collaborators contributing to the handbook. [3]

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  1. Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning: experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. p. 21
  2. Day, R. (2005) The Instructional Skills Workshop: The Heart of an Educator Learning Community in British Columbia and Beyond. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING & LEARNING. Retrieved April 8, 2013 from
  3. 1 2 3 ISW Handbook for Participants. 2006. Pat Pattison & Russell Day, eds. ISBN   0-9781360-0-4