Integration and Application Network

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The Integration and Application Network (IAN) is an initiative of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. IAN's mission is to inspire, manage and produce timely syntheses and assessments, working creatively with a wide variety of global partners.

IAN helps scientists to effectively communicate their science. They do this through conceptual diagrams (and their free symbol libraries), science communication training, development of ecological health report cards and other assessments. IAN Press facilitates the inexpensive dissemination of these products. These tools allow scientists to build credibility with stakeholders, as well as enhancing the already substantial credibility with scientific peers.


The inception of IAN can be traced back to a University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science faculty convocation in which the IAN concept was developed, expressed in the 2000 UMCES strategic plan. Funding for a new position, Vice President for Science Application, along with operating funds was obtained by UMCES President Don Boesch. In 2002, Dr. William C. Dennison from the University of Queensland, Australia became the Vice President for Science Applications and along with Dr. Tim Carruthers, also from Univ. of Queensland, initiated IAN activities.

The name "Integration and Application Network" is partially derived from the four tenets of scholarship articulated in Scholarship Revisited: Priorities of the Professoriate (Boyer, 1990; Carnegie Foundation).

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