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Intermere book cover.png
Book cover for Intermere (1901)
Author William Alexander Taylor
CountryUnited States
Genre Utopian novel
PublisherThe XX. Century Pub. Co
Publication date
Media typePrint (hardback & paperback)
OCLC 6947701

Intermere is a 1901 utopian novel by William Alexander Taylor. [1] [2] The story concerns the journey of a man lost in a shipwreck and saved by the commander of a hidden ancient country, Intermere. The protagonist is instructed in Intermere's superior technology, economics, and methods of government. Taylor introduces themes on the topics of term limits for politicians, the equal distribution of wealth, and a system of motivation and reward for scientific advancement. Despite a somewhat socialist system of restriction upon trade and support for the poor, the economics are capitalist with only small business (no more than five employees) allowed to operate.

Plot introduction

Notably in this utopian community women are only permitted to earn half as much as men and cannot vote. Divorce is unknown and Intermere's citizens are said not to have a sense of humor.

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  1. The Reprint Bulletin. Oceana Publications. 1971.
  2. Lieberman, Jennifer L.; Kline, Ronald R. (2017). "Dream of an Unfettered Electrical Future: Nikola Tesla, the Electrical Utopian Novel, and an Alternative American Sociotechnical Imaginary". Configurations. 25 (1): 1–27. doi:10.1353/con.2017.0000. ISSN   1080-6520.