Intermuscular coordination

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Intermuscular coordination describes the coordination within different muscles and groups of muscles. These are used for sceletoral movement, stabilisation of joints, as well as stabilisation of body positioning. [1]


central nervous system is controlling positioning of joints via anticipatory and correcting adaptions of posture, that work against occurring intersegmental forces. [2]

The specific role and hierarchy of certain muscles and their meaning for certain movements is further differentiated within literature. [3] [4]


Joints are stabilised by interacting muscles, so called synergist muscle. Different synergists feature partial similar functions. Therefore a certain movement can be formed out of different combinations and participations of muscles acting on a certain joint.

Even muscles not being in a direct connection towards a certain joint can fulfill a stabilising function for that very joint. For a clear specification of any muscles function it is necessary to measure precisely muscular function of not directly involved muscles within certain movements via elktromyografia. [5]

Complex movement structures are coordinated within the cerebellum via somatosensoric feedback via psychomotoric learning.


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