Ionized impurity scattering

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In quantum mechanics, ionized impurity scattering is the scattering of charge carriers by ionization in the lattice. The most primitive models can be conceptually understood as a particle responding to unbalanced local charge that arises near a crystal impurity; similar to an electron encountering an electric field. [1] This effect is the mechanism by which doping decreases mobility.


In the current quantum mechanical picture of conductivity the ease with which electrons traverse a crystal lattice is dependent on the near perfectly regular spacing of ions in that lattice. Only when a lattice contains perfectly regular spacing can the ion-lattice interaction (scattering) lead to almost transparent behavior of the lattice. Impurity atoms in a crystal have an effect similar to thermal vibrations where conductivity has a direct relationship with temperature.

A crystal with impurities is less regular than a pure crystal, and a reduction in electron mean free paths occurs. Impure crystals have lower conductivity than pure crystals with less temperature sensitivity in that lattice. [2]

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An extrinsic semiconductor is one that has been doped; during manufacture of the semiconductor crystal a trace element or chemical called a doping agent has been incorporated chemically into the crystal, for the purpose of giving it different electrical properties than the pure semiconductor crystal, which is called an intrinsic semiconductor. In an extrinsic semiconductor it is these foreign dopant atoms in the crystal lattice that mainly provide the charge carriers which carry electric current through the crystal. The doping agents used are of two types, resulting in two types of extrinsic semiconductor. An electron donor dopant is an atom which, when incorporated in the crystal, releases a mobile conduction electron into the crystal lattice. An extrinsic semiconductor that has been doped with electron donor atoms is called an n-type semiconductor, because the majority of charge carriers in the crystal are negative electrons. An electron acceptor dopant is an atom which accepts an electron from the lattice, creating a vacancy where an electron should be called a hole which can move through the crystal like a positively charged particle. An extrinsic semiconductor which has been doped with electron acceptor atoms is called a p-type semiconductor, because the majority of charge carriers in the crystal are positive holes.

The Rigid-Band Model is one of the models used to describe the behavior of metal alloys. In some cases the model is even used for non-metal alloys such as Si alloys. According to the RBM the shape of the constant energy surfaces and curve of density of states of the alloy are the same as those of the solvent metal under the following conditions:

  1. The excess charge of the solute atoms localizes around them.
  2. The mean free path of the electrons is much greater than the lattice spacing of the alloy.
  3. The electron states of interest in the pure solvent are all in one energy band, which is greatly separated in energy from the other bands.
<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lattice scattering</span>

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  1. "Ionized impurity scattering" . Retrieved September 26, 2011.
  2. Kip, Arthur F. (1969). Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism . McGraw-Hill. pp.  211–213. ISBN   0-07-034780-8.

Lundstrom, Mark (2000). Fundamentals of carrier transport . Cambridge University Press 2000. pp.  58–60. ISBN   0-521-63134-3.