Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante

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The Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (IPP), or 'Institute of Plant Protection', is part of the Food Department of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR; "Italian National Research Council"), an Italian government organization with the aim of supporting scientific and technological research. IPP has four bases in Italy: Turin, Florence, Portici, and Bari.

The mission of IPP is the study of stress factors in plants, to identify resistance mechanisms and methods of defence against biotic and abiotic stress protection in order to improve the quality and quantity of agricultural food production in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. The activities of IPP are divided into five orders:

The IPP station in Florence is renowned for raising elm cultivars resistant to Dutch elm disease, several of which are now in commerce in western Europe. [1] [2] [3]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dutch elm disease</span> Elm tree fungal disease, spread by beetle

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<i>Ulmus glabra</i> Species of flowering plant in the elm family Ulmaceae

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<i>Ulmus minor <span style="font-style:normal;">subsp.</span> minor</i> Subspecies of tree

Ulmus minor subsp. minor, the narrow-leaved elm, was the name used by R. H. Richens (1983) for English field elms that were not English elm, Cornish elm, Lock elm or Guernsey elm. Many publications, however, continue to use plain Ulmus minor for Richens's subspecies, a name Richens reserved for the undifferentiated continental field elms. Dr Max Coleman of Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh argued in his 2002 paper 'British Elms' that there was no clear distinction between species and subspecies.

<i>Ulmus</i> San Zanobi Elm cultivar

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<i>Ulmus</i> Plinio Elm cultivar

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<i>Ulmus chenmoui</i> Species of tree

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<i>Ulmus</i> Lobel Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Lobel' is a Dutch hybrid cultivar raised at the Dorschkamp Research Institute for Forestry & Landscape Planning, Wageningen, from a crossing of clone '202' with '336'. 'Lobel' was cloned in 1962 and released for sale in 1973.

<i>Ulmus</i> Plantyn Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Plantyn' was one of three Dutch hybrid elms released by the Dorschkamp Research Institute for Forestry & Landscape Planning, Wageningen, in 1973. Derived from a crossing of the Dutch hybrids '202' and '302', it was to prove of great significance in later developments. A selfed seedling was to become the first Dutch clone to prove effectively immune to disease, released in 1989 as 'Columella'. 'Plantyn' was also destined to be the female parent of Lutèce released in 2002. In Italy, 'Plantyn' was used again as female parent in hybridizations with the Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila by the Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (IPP), to create three new cultivars better adapted to the Mediterranean climate.

<i>Ulmus</i> Columella Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Columella' is a Dutch elm cultivar raised by the Dorschkamp Research Institute for Forestry & Landscape Planning, Wageningen. Originally thought to have been derived from a selfed or openly pollinated seedling of the hybrid clone 'Plantyn', DNA analysis later determined it arose from a cross of 'Plantyn' and Ulmus minor. Sown in 1967, it was released for sale in 1989 after proving extremely resistant to Dutch elm disease following injection with unnaturally high doses of the pathogen, Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. However, propagated by grafting onto wych elm rootstocks, graft failure owing to incompatibility has become a common occurrence in the Netherlands.

<i>Ulmus</i> Exoniensis Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Exoniensis', the Exeter elm, was discovered near Exeter, England, in 1826, and propagated by the Ford & Please nursery in that city. Traditionally believed to be a cultivar of the Wych Elm U. glabra, its fastigiate shape when young, upward-curving tracery, small samarae and leaves, late leaf-flush and late leaf-fall, taken with its south-west England provenance, suggest a link with the Cornish Elm, which shares these characteristics. The seed, however, is on the stalk side of the samara, a feature of wych elm and its cultivars, whereas in hybrids it would be displaced towards the notch.

<i>Ulmus davidiana</i> var. <i>japonica</i> Jacan Elm cultivar

The Japanese Elm cultivar Ulmus davidianavar.japonica 'Jacan' is a cold-resistant selection from Canada. The tree was one of a group of second-generation japonica seedlings raised in the 1970s, originally for use in the prairie regions, by the Morden Research Station, Morden, Manitoba. It was first distributed in 1977, and was later among the Asiatic elms, some sourced from Canada, donated to the UK in 1980 by the London branch of Mitsui & Co.

<i>Ulmus</i> Patriot Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Patriot' is a hybrid cultivar raised by the United States National Arboretum in 1980. Derived from a crossing of the American hybrid 'Urban' with the Wilson's Elm cultivar 'Prospector', 'Patriot' was released to commerce, free of patent restrictions, in 1993. Tested in the US National Elm Trial coordinated by Colorado State University, 'Patriot' averaged a survival rate of 85% after 10 years.

<i>Ulmus</i> Arno Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Arno' is an Italian hybrid cultivar derived from a crossing of 'Plantyn' with the Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila clone S.2. It was raised by the Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (IPP) in Florence, and released in 2007. However, 'Arno' was not a commercial success; propagation had ceased by 2010, and it is no longer patent protected.

<i>Ulmus</i> Fiorente Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Fiorente' is a hybrid cultivar elm derived from a crossing of the Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila clone 'S.10' from Lucca, Italy, with the Ulmus minor clone 'C.02' from Lungarno, Florence, by the Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (IPP), part of the Italian National Research Council, in Florence. The tree is protected by Plant Breeders' Rights bestowed by the EU on 25 March 2010.

<i>Ulmus</i> Morfeo Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Morfeo' is a hybrid elm cultivar raised by the Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (IPP), Florence, in 2000. 'Morfeo' arose from a crossing of the Dutch hybrid clone '405' and the Chenmou Elm, the latter a small tree from the provinces of Anhui and Jiangsu in eastern China, The '405' clone is a full sister of 'Groeneveld', a crossing of an English U. × hollandica and a French U. minor from the Barbier Nursery, Orléans.

<i>Ulmus</i> Wingham Elm cultivar

Ulmus 'Wingham' is a complex hybrid elm cultivar featuring two Asiatic and two European species, bestowing it with an exceptionally high resistance to Dutch elm disease (DED). It was raised as clone no. FL493 by the Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (IPP) in Florence, but never patented owing to its limited aesthetic appeal. It was introduced to the UK in 2011 by David Herling, Resistant Elms, who trialled it successfully at Wingham in Kent. It was later trialled by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Branch, Butterfly Conservation, as part of an assessment of DED-resistant cultivars as potential hosts of the endangered White-letter Hairstreak. 'Wingham' was released for sale in the UK in 2019.


  1. Santini A., Fagnani A., Ferrini F. & Mittempergher L., (2002) San Zanobi and Plinio elm trees. [ permanent dead link ]HortScience 37(7): 1139-1141. 2002. American Society for Horticultural Science, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA.
  2. Santini A., Fagnani A., Ferrini F., Mittempergher L., Brunetti M., Crivellaro A., Macchioni N. (2004). Elm breeding for DED resistance, the Italian clones and their wood properties. Archived 2007-10-26 at the Wayback Machine Invest Agrar: Sist. Recur. For. (2004) 13 (1), 179-184. 2004.
  3. Santini, A., Pecori, F., Pepori, A., & Brookes, A. (2011). 'Morfeo' Elm: a new variety resistant to Dutch elm disease. Forest Pathology, April 2012, Vol. 42, Issue 2, 171-176