Jacqueline Bloch

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Jacqueline Bloch is a French physicist, born in 1967, specialist in nanosciences, [1] member of the French Academy of sciences.



Jacqueline Bloch is an ESPCI engineer, graduated in 1991 (106th promotion), with a DEA in condensed matter physics (1990). She holds a doctorate from the Pierre and Marie Curie University on the study of the optical properties of quantum wires. [2] In 1994, she joined the CNRS and carried out her research at the L2M (Laboratoire de microstructures et de microélecroniques) in Bagneux, which moved and became the LPN (Laboratoire de photonique et nanostructures) in Marcoussis in 2001. In 1998, she spent a year there and carried out research at the Bell Laboratories. She is interested in the ultimate coupling between light and matter in close connection with semiconductor nanotechnologies. In particular, she has made important discoveries in the study of the physics of polaritons.


   2014: Chevalier of the Légion d'Honneur [3]

   2015 : Jean-Ricard Prize of the French Physical Society [4]

   2017: CNRS Silver Medal [5]

   2019 : Prix Ampère de l'Electricité de France of the French Academy of Sciences [6]

   2019: Elected member of the French Academy of Sciences [7] in the Physics Section.

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  1. Sa page personnelle sur le site du LPN
  2. SUDOC   043924719
  3. Décret du 11 juillet 2014 portant promotion et nomination .
  4. Jacqueline Bloch, lauréate 2015 du prix Jean Ricard
  5. Médaille d'argent 2017: les lauréats
  6. "Prix Ampère".
  7. "Communiqué de presse de l'Académie des sciences du 19 décembre 2019 : "Dix-huit nouveaux membres élus à l'Académie des sciences"" (PDF). www.academie-sciences.fr. 19 December 2019. Retrieved 9 January 2020.