James Oakes (historian)

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James Oakes
Born (1953-12-19) December 19, 1953 (age 70)
Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.

James Oakes (born December 19, 1953) is an American historian, and is a Distinguished Professor of History and Graduate School Humanities Professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York where he teaches courses on the American Civil War and Reconstruction, Slavery, the Old South, Abolitionism, and U.S. and World History. He taught previously at Princeton University and Northwestern University. [1]



Oakes' book The Radical and the Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics (2007) was a co-winner of the 2008 Lincoln Prize. [2] The prize jury highlighted the book's use of a new comparative framework for understanding the careers of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, and their respective views of race. It also noted that Oakes had succeeded in writing a scholarly work that was accessible to the general public. [2]

His more recent work focuses on emancipation and how it was implemented throughout the Southern states. In 2013 Oakes published Freedom National: The Destruction of Slavery in the United States, 1861-1865, which garnered him a second Lincoln Prize (2013). [3] David Brion Davis, writing in The New York Review of Books , identified the basic theme of Freedom National as the view that Lincoln's Republican Party had been an antislavery party both before and during the war, one that viewed defining humans as chattel as both a violation of the "freedom principle" embodied in natural and international law and a violation of the U.S. Constitution, which, in the Fugitive Slave Clause, referred to slaves as "Person[s] held to Service or Labour". In Freedom National (page xxiii), Oakes wrote, "Like most historians I always believed that the purpose of the war shifted 'from Union to emancipation.'" But, in fact, although "Republicans did not believe that the Constitution allowed them to wage a war for any 'purpose' other than the restoration of the Union, ... from the very beginning they insisted that slavery was the cause of the rebellion and emancipation an appropriate and ultimately indispensable means of suppressing it." Eric Foner called the work "the best account ever written of the complex historical process known as emancipation". [4]


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  1. "James Oakes Archived 2017-10-10 at the Wayback Machine ". Graduate Center. City University of New York. gc.cuny.edu. Retrieved 2017-10-09.
  2. 1 2 "Press Release: Graduate Center Historian James Oakes Wins 2008 Lincoln Prize for the Radical and the Republican". News. Graduate Center. City University of New York. February 1, 2008. Retrieved 2017-10-09.
  3. Schuessler, Jennifer (February 12, 2013). "Lincoln Prize Winner Announced". The New York Times .
  4. Davis, David Brion (June 6, 2013). "How They Stopped Slavery: A New Perspective". (preview only; subscription required). The New York Review of Books . (Davis, in a review of Freedom National, quoting Foner)