Janek is a given name. Johnny in Polish and Slovak.
Janek is a family name.
Yaroslav is a Slavic masculine given name. Its variant spelling is Jaroslav and Iaroslav, and its feminine form is Yaroslava. The surname derived from the name is Yaroslavsky and its variants. All may refer to:
Bartek is a Polish given name and surname, a diminutive of Bartłomiej and Bartosz. Notable people with this name include:
Marcin is a male given name or surname. It is the Polish equivalent of the English name Martin; the female version is Martyna.
Wiśniewski is the third most common surname in Poland. It is a toponymic surname derived from any of the locations named Wiśniewa, Wiśniewo, Wiśniowa, Wiśniew. It is related to the following surnames in other languages:
Lukas is an English form of the Greek name Λουκάς, which is Romanized as Loukas.
Renata is a feminine given name of European origin, and a New Zealand surname.
Pavel is a male given name. It is a Slavic cognate of the name Paul. Pavel may refer to:
Mucha is a Slavic surname, derived from mucha, meaning "fly". Mucha is the standard form for males in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and for people of both genders in Poland. In other Slavic countries, the surname may appear as Mukha or Muha.
Kamil is a name used in a number of languages.
Vojtěch or Vojtech is a, respectively, Czech and Slovak given name of Slavic origin. It is composed of two parts: voj – "troops"/"war(rior)" and těch – "consolator"/"rejoicing man". So, the name could be interpreted either as "consolator of troops" or "man rejoicing in a battle, warlike man". The name day is 23 April.
Marian is a unisex given name.
Bukowski is a Polish surname. It is composed of buk and the suffixes -ow and -ski. In some cases, the name may originate from a toponym, i.e. the name would have been given to or adopted by a person or family from a place named Buków, for example.
Sedlák is a Czech surname, which means a 'peasant farmer' or 'freeman farmer' who was relatively wealthy and owned his own land.
Romana is a surname and female given name.
Dominika is the female version of Dominic. Notable people with the name include:
Zuzana is a common female given name in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is often translated to other languages as Zuzanna (Polish), Zsuzsanna (Hungarian), Suzanne, Susan, or Susannah – all commonly derived from the Hebrew language name Shoshana, meaning "lily".
Miroslav is a Slavic masculine name meaning 'one who celebrates peace, one who celebrates the world'.
Rastislav or Rostyslav is a male Slavic given name, meaning "to increase glory". The name has been used by several notable people from Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, and Ukrainian backgrounds.
Klaudia is a feminine given name, a cognate of the name Claudia. It is an equivalent to the male given names Claudius, Claude and Claudio.
Janek is an Estonian and Polish male given name.