Jens G. Eggers from the University of Bristol, was awarded the status of Fellow [1] in the American Physical Society, [2] after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2009, [3] for applications of the ideas of singularities to free-boundary problems such as jet breakup, drop formation, air entrainment, thin-film dynamics including wetting, dewetting and contact line motions, and with further applications to polymeric flows and models for granular dynamics.
Alan D. English of the DuPont Corporation was an American physicist.
David Wixon Pratt is an American physicist, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh.
Stephen B. Pope from the Cornell University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 1991, for contributions of archival value to probability-density-function methods in turbulence modeling, to understanding of the geometry and distortion of surfaces in turbulent flows, and to extraction of Lagrangian statistics from direct numerical simulations. He is the recipient of 2008 Ya. B. Zeldovich Gold Medal from The Combustion Institute. and Propellants and Combustion Award (2012) from American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is currently in the editorial board of Combustion Theory and Modelling
Steven M. George from the University of Colorado, Boulder, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Chemical Physics in 1997, for "advancements in our understanding of gas-surface energy transfer dynamics, surface kinetics and diffusion processes, environmental chemistry at gas-surface interfaces, heterogeneous catalysis, and chemically controlled eptiaxy of novel thin film materials."
Alessandro G. Ruggiero from the Brookhaven National Laboratory, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by the Division of Physics of Beams in 1998, for contributions to accelerator theory, including instabilities and nonlinear dynamics; to accelerator complex designs notably the Antiproton Source and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider; and to accelerator architecture investigation of Spallation Neutron Sources.
Rob Duncan Coalson from the University of Pittsburgh, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Chemical Physics in 1999, for novel contributions to the theory of condensed phase quantum dynamics, including computational methodology and applications to optical spectroscopy and electron transfer; and for theoretical insights into macroion electrostatics, with applications to colloidal suspensions and crystals.
Serdar Kuyucak is a Turkish-born Australian physicist, an Associate Professor at the University of Sydney, Australia. His research interest include the study of ion transport across membrane channels using Brownian and molecular dynamics methods and the solution of spectrum generating algebras using the 1/N expansion method, and their application to problems in nuclear and molecular spectroscopy.
Marilyn Gunner, a Physics professor at the City College of New York, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Biological Physics in 2007, for her work in both experimental and theoretical studies of electron and proton transfer processes in proteins, in particular for her beautiful work coupling the theory of electrostatic interactions to the dynamics of charge transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers, and in recognition of her service to the Divis.
Robert Krasny from the University of Michigan, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2007, for "his many achievements in advancing particle methods and tree-code algorithms to allow exceptionally precise computations of vortex dynamics, and his insightful use of the resulting methods to increase the fundamental understanding of regular and chaotic phenomena in fluid flows." In 2012 he became one of the inaugural fellows of the American Mathematical Society.
Stavros Tavoularis from the University of Ottawa, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2007, for contributions to turbulence, turbulent mixing, vortex dynamics, aerodynamics, thermo-hydraulics, bio-fluid dynamics, and design of flow apparatus and instrumentation. Also, for contributions to education in fluid dynamics and for promoting international collaboration and understanding.
Albert Stolow is a Canadian physicist. He is the Canada Research Chair in Molecular Photonics, Full Professor of Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences and of Physics, and a Member of the Ottawa Institute for Systems Biology at the University of Ottawa. He is the founder and an ongoing member of the Molecular Photonics Group at the National Research Council of Canada. He is Adjunct Professor of Chemistry and of Physics at Queen's University in Kingston, and a Graduate Faculty Scholar in the Department of Physics, University of Central Florida and a Fellow of the Max-Planck-uOttawa Centre for Extreme and Quantum Photonics. In 2008, he was elected a Fellow in the American Physical Society, nominated by its Division of Chemical Physics in 2008, for contributions to ultrafast laser science as applied to molecular physics, including time-resolved studies of non-adiabatic dynamics in excited molecules, non-perturbative quantum control of molecular dynamics, and dynamics of polyatomic molecules in strong laser fields. In 2008, Stolow won the Keith Laidler Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, for a distinguished contribution to the field of physical chemistry, recognizing early career achievement. In 2009, he was elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of America for the application of ultrafast optical techniques to molecular dynamics and control, in particular, studies of molecules in strong laser fields and the development of new methods of optical quantum control. In 2013, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (Canada). In 2017, Stolow was awarded the Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the American Physical Society for the development of methods for probing and controlling ultrafast dynamics in polyatomic molecules, including time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and imaging, strong field molecular ionization, and dynamic Stark quantum control. In 2018, Stolow was awarded the John C. Polanyi Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry “for excellence by a scientist carrying out research in Canada in physical, theoretical or computational chemistry or chemical physics”. In 2020, he became Chair of the Division of Chemical Physics of the American Physical Society. His group's research interests include ultrafast molecular dynamics and quantum control, time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and imaging, strong field & attosecond physics of polyatomic molecules, and coherent non-linear optical microscopy of live cells/tissues, materials and geological samples. In 2020, Stolow launched a major new high power ultrafast laser facility at the University of Ottawa producing high energy, phase-controlled few-cycle pulses of 2 micron wavelength at 10 kHz repetition rate. These are used for High Harmonic Generation to produce bright ultrafast Soft X-ray pulses for a new Ultrafast Xray Science Laboratory.
Mujeeb R. Malik from the NASA/Langley Research Center, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2008, for pioneering contributions to the understanding of the breakdown of cross flow vortices in three-dimensional boundary layers, attachment-line and hypersonic boundary layer instability including real gas effects, and developing physics-based methods for the prediction of laminar-turbulent transition.
Bamin Khomami, the Granger and Beaman Distinguished University Professor from the University of Tennessee and former Francis F. Ahmann Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Illinois, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2009, for his insightful application of novel numerical methods, molecular modeling, and experiments toward the physical understanding of elastic fluid flows including discovering and explaining novel aspects of their purely elastic and thermomechanical instability.
Ci-Ling Pan from the National Tsing Hua University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Laser Science in 2009, for pioneering studies of the physics and technology of ion-planted semiconductor and liquid-crystal devices for ultrafast and THz applications, and for significant contributions toward developing tunable and ultrafast laser systems for applications in communications, sensing, spectroscopy and materials diagnostics a
Eric Borguet from the Temple University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Chemical Physics in 2009, for "his seminal contributions to our understanding of optical, molecular and electronic phenomena at buried interfaces, complex interfaces, and nanosystems; and for the development of novel experimental tools and methodologies, particularly the development of fluorescent labeling of surface species."
Franco Cacialli is an Italian physicist affiliated with the University College London. He was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by the Division of Materials Physics in 2009, for "his significant contributions to the science and technology of organic semiconductors and related applications, and especially for seminal contributions to the scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) assisted lithography of organic semiconductor nanostructures.
James G. Brasseur from the Pennsylvania State University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by the Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2009, for advancements in knowledge of nonclassical interscale interactions in turbulence and in large-eddy simulation of the high Reynolds number boundary layer, and for interdisciplinary contributions to gastro-intestinal medicine by integrating physiology, mechanics, and mathematical modeling.
James T. Linnemann from Michigan State University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by the Division of Particles and Fields in 2009, for original research in high energy physics and particle astrophysics through electronics and software applications, seminal contributions to the discoveries of the top quark and TeV gamma-ray sources, searches for supersymmetry, and applications of statistics.
Hans-Jürgen Troe is a German physicist from the University of Göttingen. He was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by his Division of Chemical Physics in 2009, for "experimental and theoretical research on the kinetics of unimolecular reactions of neutral and ionic molecules, and especially for the development of the statistical adiabatic channel model and its application to unimolecular processes from low to high pressures."
Konstantin Lvovich Vodopyanov is a Russian physicist from Stanford University. He was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Laser Science in 2009, for "development of a new class of broadly-tunable infrared and terahertz sources based on nonlinear-optical conversion in bulk, micro- and nano- structured media, and their application to spectroscopic studies including demonstration of electromagnetically-induced transparency in quantum wells."
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