Jingle-jangle fallacies

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Jingle-jangle fallacies are erroneous assumptions that either two different things are the same because they bear the same name (jingle fallacy); or two identical or almost identical things are different because they are labeled differently (jangle fallacy). [1] [2] [3] In research, a jangle fallacy is the inference that two measures (e.g., tests, scales) with different names measure different constructs. By comparison, a jingle fallacy is the assumption that two measures which are called by the same name capture the same construct. [4] [5]


An example of the jangle fallacy can be found in tests designed to assess emotional intelligence. Some of these tests measure merely personality or regular IQ-tests. [6] An example of the jingle fallacy is that personality and values are sometimes conflated and treated as the same construct. [7] Jingle and jangle fallacies make it challenging to review literatures for meta-analysis. Machine learning tools have been created to discover relevant papers even when the same construct is named differently in different articles. [8]

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  1. Kelley, Truman Lee (1927). Interpretation of Educational Measurements. Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y.: World Book Company. pp. 62–65.
  2. Roeser, Robert W.; Peck, Stephen C.; Nasir, Nailah Suad (2006). "Self and Identity Processes in School Motivation, Learning, and Achievement". In Alexander, Patricia k.; Winne, Philip H. (eds.). Handbook of Educational Psychology (2nd ed.). Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. pp.  392–393. ISBN   978-0-8058-4937-0.
  3. Pedhazur, Elazar J.; Pedhazur Schmelkin, Liora (1991). Measurement, Design, and Analysis: An Integrated Approach. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. p. 74. ISBN   978-0-89859-555-0.
  4. Corsini, Raymond J. (1991). The Dictionary of Psychology. New York: Routledge. pp. 513, 514. ISBN   978-1-58391-328-4.
  5. Marsh, Herbert W. (2007). "Physical Self-Concept and Sport". In Jowett, Sophia; Lavallee, David (eds.). Social Psychology in Sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. p. 168. ISBN   978-0-7360-5780-6.
  6. Gignac, Gilles E. (2009). "Psychometrics and the Measurement of Emotional Intelligence". In Stough, Con; Saklofske, Donald H.; Parker, James D. A. (eds.). Assessing Emotional Intelligence: Theory, Research, and Applications. New York: Springer. p. 33. ISBN   978-0-387-88370-0.
  7. Higgs, Malcolm; Scott, Lichtenstein (2010). "Exploring the 'Jingle Fallacy': a study of personality and values". Journal of General Management. 36 (1): 43–61.
  8. Larsen, Kai R.; Bong, Chih How (2016-03-03). "A Tool for Addressing Construct Identity in Literature Reviews and Meta-Analyses". MIS Quarterly. 40 (3): 529–551. doi:10.25300/MISQ/2016/40.3.01.

Further reading