Johannes Kaleschke

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Johannes Kaleschke (born 1977) is a German classical tenor in opera and in concert.

Kaleschke was born in Speyer. He first studied German history and art history, then voice at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart with Bernhard Jaeger-Böhm, completing in 2002. He took master classes with Francisco Araiza. [1]

Kaleschke recorded Bach cantatas with Rudolf Lutz. He appeared as the Evangelist in Mauricio Kagel's Sankt-Bach-Passion . He appeared on stage in Carl Orff's Der Mond at the Ludwigsburg Festival, and at the Kammertheater der Staatsoper Stuttgart, where he appeared in Bernhard Koenig's Expedition zur Erde. [1] He performed in an award-winning recording of Jan Dismas Zelenka's Missa votiva with the Stuttgarter Kammerchor, conducted by Frieder Bernius, for the Carus-Verlag. [2]

He has been a permanent member of SWR-Vokalensembles Stuttgart since 2009. [3]

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  1. 1 2 "Johannes Kaleschke (Tenor)". Retrieved 23 January 2015.
  2. "Zelenka: Missa votiva" (in German). Carus-Verlag . Retrieved 23 January 2015.
  3. "Künstler - Johannes Kaleschke" . Retrieved 30 March 2022.